Wednesday, 7 March 2012


INSPECT....Edward and Stephen inspecting the poles next to the slope.

THE ROAD in front of the Kota Belud District Council office has is a dangerous spot which had been overlooked and neglected by the council.

The problem comes from the curve side of the road which is very close to the steep slop and it is not properly protected by steel crush-barrier. There are some small pipes planted at the edge of the road painted with black and white paint.

Edward Ewol Mujie the Sabah DAP Vice chairman saw this problem spot which can be a danger point to cars, and he would like to bring this to the attention of the Kota Belud District Council for them to improve or to rectify the situation.

He said other people may not think this is a potential danger spot, but what happen if a car really lost control and fell over the road and plunged into the valley below, The houses down below can also be hit and destroyed too.

The pipes installed as a warning device is not sufficient and this can not stop any cars from falling over the steep slope. The narrow road here is also a factor that the council must consider widening. The situation will be even worst is there are cars parked on the road side.

Edward advices the council to install some strong metal crush barriers along the edge of the slope to protect the cars from falling over. This can save lives and protect the people down below too, and it would not cost a lot to install.


  1. Its good to have a metal barrier to prevent any accidents.

  2. Hopefully the matter will be amended, the necessary safety measures should be taken.

  3. kawsan itu agak membahaya, sebaiknya ia diberi perhatian.

  4. Pihak berkenaan harus peka dan segera mengambil tindakan sebelum kejadian yang teruk terjadi di kawasan tu.

  5. Tidak hairanlah kalau DAP macam ini.

  6. by giving an advices to the council to install some strong metal crush barriers along the edge of the slope showing that DAP unable to find better solution which is to avoid accident in that area.. DAP should give their ideas how to make zero accident instead of giving strong metal barriers for the car to hit on..

  7. untuk lebih selamat, letakkan saja bonggol jalan di kawasan itu.. dengan adanya bonggol itu, semua kenderaan akan bergerak perlahan, sekaligus dapat menyelamatkan nyawa pengguna jalanraya dan orang awam yang lain.. sekadar meletakkan penghadang, seolah2 DAP mahu pengguna jalanraya melanggar penghadang yang disediakan..

    1. Sesuai juga jika bonggol dibuat. Sekurang-kurangnya pemandu memperlahankan kereta ketika melalui kawasan ini.

  8. DAP ni macam "program" aduan rakyat sudah.
