Thursday, 8 March 2012


BAD.... Edward and Stephen inspecting the bad walkway.

The PEOPLE in the Menggatal Pasar had complaint to the Sabah DAP Vice Chairman, Edward Ewol Mujie in his Inanam Service Centre regarding the various problems arising there.

The hawkers said the side entrance to the market by the road side is very bad and impossible for the people to walk across the piece of walkway which is not level and no proper walking surface. The walkway has already spoiled and many of the earth have been washed down the drain.

They request the DBKK to come to reinstate the area and get it paved nicely with some walkway concrete slabs, so that they won’t fall during wet weather and in the rain. It becomes very slippery when it is wet.

Edward and his assistant Stephen Yarman were there to inspect the area during the rain and they found the surface is really bad for the pedestrians. He agreed that the DBKK should come to make good the side apron of the market and to provide proper walkway for the people there.

The other complaint received is that there are some people gathering in the meat stall after closing, to drink and eat there making the place into a mesh. The hawkers often have to clean and clear the place before starting their business. They want the DBKK to pay special attention not to allow the outside people to come into the market and using the place as a gathering place.

Edward said the market is needed a wash down in its building structure which is covering with thick dust and dirt. This is especially so on the roof on the top floor. DBKK must come to clean the market and according to the people here, the market has not been washed down for a long time.


  1. DBKK harus lakukan sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan complaint tu. mungkin perlu disimen.

  2. The walkway should be improved so that the customers can shop in comfort.

  3. DBKK must make sure maintenance and cleaning is done on the market to ensure that the building is in a good condition.

  4. kawasan itu perlu dinaiktaraf.

  5. Pekan Menggatal memang perlu dinaiktaraf.bangunan2 pun nampak tidak ceria lagi,begitu juga dengan persekitaran.

  6. Terima kasih kepada DAP kerana membantu menyuarakan masalah rakyat. Semoga pihak bertanggungjawab akan melaksanakan tugas mereka dengan baik.

  7. Jangan bila berlaku kemalangan baru nak bertindak.

  8. Kalau peruntukan cukup, mudah-mudahan dinaik taraflah pekan Menggatal ni.

  9. saya tidak nampak pun tempat itu licin kerana kawasan itu bukannya tanah 100%.. tidak adakah laluan lain selain kawasan itu??

  10. bagi saya masalah itu tidak terlalu kritikal sangat sehingga boleh menjejaskan aktiviti orang awam.. lebih baik DBKK memberikan tumpuan kepada perkara2 yang lebih kritikan seperti jalan berlubang, penutup manhole hilang dan sebagainya..
