POTENSI perniagaan yang besar di Lahad Datu yang muncul daripada projek Kluster Perindustrian Minyak Sawit (POIC), yang setakat ini menarik kira-kira RM4.5 juta dalam pelaburan, terus menarik pelabur.
Menurut satu kenyataan, Pengah Property Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat RENG Corporation Sdn Bhd yang berpangkalan di Kuala Lumpur, menjadi pelabur ke-40 projek berkenaan.
Syarikat itu menandatangani perjanjian jual beli dengan POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd di sini hari ini untuk membeli 2.6 hektar tanah di POIC Lahad Datu.
Perjanjian itu ditandatangani oleh Pengarah Urusan kumpulan RENG Corporation Richard Eng dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif POIC Sabah, Datuk Dr Pang Teck Wai, disaksikan oleh Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah.
Pengah Property adalah pemaju hartanah yang kedua, Bristeel Properties Sdn Bhd yang berpangkalan di Sabah, melabur di POIC Lahad Datu. (BERNAMA)
Looks like there are more and more investors on the POIC project in Lahad Datu. More money invested can help expand the project and bring more economic impact to the people.
ReplyDeleteGood job, hope that we may be able to attract more investors especially foreign investors. People would not invest if they think POIC wouldn't be successful, right?
ReplyDeleteAgree. They invest because they have the confidence that the POIC will be a success.
DeletePOIC bakal menjana ekonomi Sabah dan dapat meningkatkan sosio ekonomi rakyat Sabah. Diharap keutamaan diberi kepada rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletedgn ini pasti POIC akan bertambah maju dan menbangun.
ReplyDeleteTahniah kepada POIC. Kerana mampu menarik lebih ramai pelabur untuk melabur dalam pengeluaran Kelapa Sawit.
ReplyDeleteMaka teruskan lagi usaha membuktikan pengurusan di Sabah adalah yang terbaik dan ini adalah antara senjata untuk menarik pelabur datang.
ReplyDeletelebih banyak pelaburan di Lahad Datu lebih baik.. sekurang2nya lebih banyak perubahan selepas ini terhadap fizikal bandar Lahad Datu yang masih agak ketinggalan berbanding dengan bandar2 lain di Sabah..
ReplyDeleteIni merupakan perkembangan yang positif!
ReplyDeletePrior to this, The Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) has attracted RM4.5 billion investments since its inception in 2008, POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd Chief Executive Officer Datuk Dr Pang Teck Wai.
ReplyDelete"We also have the largest concentration of major Malaysian companies and foreign investors in one geographical location in Sabah," he said.
The commercial viability of the State Government-owned project was recently endorsed by Petronas, which invested in a regasification terminal and Tenaga Nasional Bhd building a 300MW power plant due for commissioning in 2015.
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DeletePang said a container port is being planned to clinch RM100 billion in industrial investments in the next 20 years and lift the Sabahans per capita income.
DeleteHe said POIC intends to leverage on its geographical location within the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and its natural deep harbour to expand into the oil and gas sector and develop a regional logistics hub."The potential contribution at RM9.35 billion without a container port is to swell to RM19.7 billion if there is one. "In terms of gross national income (GNI), the contribution is RM8.39 billion with the port and RM3.49 billion without the facility," he said, quoting a report by Pemandu (Performance Management and Delivery Unit in the Prime Minister's Department).
DeletePOIC falls under the oil palm National Key Economic Areas of the national Economic Transformation Programme which seeks to triple revenue from oil palm, which surpassed RM80 billion last year.
ReplyDeletePang said POIC Sabah was also looking into industralising resource-based sectors and encouraging development of small and medium enterprises in timber, aquaculture and food.
Delete"We encourage expansion-supporting business including aching tooling, hardware, parts and components. A free trade zone, a commodity tender port and futures trading are also being considered," he said.
POIC is already home to Malaysia's largest fertiliser cluster with eight plants producing more than one million tonnes of fertilisers a year.
DeletePang also told Najib that a mechanical prototype oil palm harvester - Malaysia-China Agriculture Machine, jointly developed by Malaysia and China, is a major Malaysian palm oil importer. He said the machine is expected to overcome Malaysia's over dependence on foreign labour in the oil palm oil industry. Foreign workers make up over 92 per cent of oil palm fresh fruit bunches harvesters. "Mechanisation in the oil palm production chain is one of the four main thrusts that will triple oil palm revenue from now until 2020," he said. The other efforts are encouraging replanting, increasing palm oil yield and moving towards high-value oleo products, he added.