STATE Chairman of the State Reform Party (STAR), Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, said Sabah, though freed from the colonial British in 1963, is 'practically' still under colonisation today.
He said this can be tested with a simple political arithmetic. "We are free if we are free from colonisation or outside power. You are an independent country if you are free to plan and decide your own fiscal policies," he said.
Likewise, he said a country cannot consider itself independent if its own people do not have the power to elect or chose their own leaders.
"Sabah must continue to have this unfettered power to appoint its own Chief Minister if it is a free state. Currently this power has been usurped by UMNO..." he said in his address at a Borneo tea-party at Kampung Patau in Tambunan recently.
Dr Jeffrey also argued that one other important tenet of an independent state is that it must be able to collect taxes for itself, something that Sabah has been squarely denied of.
He said Sabah was in dire situation today because it was denied its rights and freedom as envisaged by a departing British government in 1963 and the founders of the state as well as proponents of the Malaysia Federation then.
"We were 20 years behind ready of any negotiation in 1963. And this has been made worse by complots after complots to make Sabah just one of the smaller states in the Federation.
"The outside power player did everything, including amending the Federal Constitution and forgetting all the 1963 pledges, to make sure Sabah and Sarawak are subservient to the centre, in order for them to plunder our resources and leaving our people poor.
"And that explains why today we are the poorest people in Malaysia even though our state Sabah is the richest in term of resources..." he said.
There are no basis on the claims made by STAR. The federal government has never sideline the people of Sabah.
ReplyDelete24 local governments in Sabah received RM35,910,774.80 in annual grants for this year from the Federal Government to assist in providing and increasing the quality of services to the people.
ReplyDeleteThey also received a rating assisting contribution (SMK) amounting to RM30,763,369.
ReplyDeleteThe grants presentation reflected the Federal Government's 1Malaysia concept of not sidelining Sabah having different Local Government Ordinances.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Government would continuously assist the local governments, particularly the less capable ones, in reducing the burden in providing services and small development projects.
ReplyDeleteThe small & medium size company has need to increase their own status so that they can compete too in the market.
DeleteToday newspaper published: BN will always look after people's needs. CM said that the continuous efforts and various form of assistance done by government helped to improve the people's source of economy and livehood.
ReplyDeleteRecently the Karisma 1Azam programme has been done by the government to benefited those who are in the lower income group. Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development channelling some RM250 million under the programme to help the target groups. I believe no agenda behind all these effort. We still can trust the current government, and they will never leave anyone behind.
ReplyDeletePembantuan sebegini dapat meringankan beban keluarga dan golongan yang kurang berkeupayaan.
DeletePrime Minister Najib Razak started an industrial revolution for Sabah as he lifted the first shovelful of earth from the ground of the 4.7-billion-ringgit ($1.5-billion) ammonia and urea plant in Sipitang on February 16. “This is no ordinary project,” he said. “It is on a world scale.”
ReplyDeleteOur PM still wants to develope Sabah
Sabah patut diberikan autonomi untuk memimpin negeri kita tanpa campur tangan daripada mana mana pihak, semoga kerajaan Sabah boleh mendapatkan persetujuan daripada kerajaan Persekutuan untuk autonomi Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMudah2an PM memberikan kuasa2 autonomi kepada Sabah sperti Persekutuan memberi autonomi pendidikan kepada Sabah.
ReplyDeleterakyat sabah berhak memilih pemimpin dan kerajaan negeri..hak ini dijamin di bawah perlembagaan..
ReplyDeleteperjanjian 20 perkara harus dipatuhi..
ReplyDeleteSabah telah menerima peruntukan terbesar sebanyak 4 billion. peruntukan ini dpt membangunkan dan memajukan Sabah dgn begitu pesat. Sabah takkan diabaikan
ReplyDeleteTidak salah jika kuasa autonomi dikembalikan kepada Sabah kerana itulah yang sepatutnya diamalkan dari dulu. Bukannya kerajaan persekutuan tidak melakukan yang terbaik untuk Sabah namun ia merupakan satu bonus bila Sabah ada kuasa autonomi itu sendiri. Mungkin juga kemajuan di Sabah dapat dipercepatkan seterusnya menyelesaikan masalah2 yang tertangguh selama ini.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan BN Sabah yang ada sekarang sudah semestinya parti yang mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada penduduk Sabah. Kerajaan tidak pernah diam untuk memperjuangkan apa yang perlu dan hak penduduk Sabah. Setiap masalah yang ada akan diselesaikan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletetukar kerajaan pun, Sabah tetap akan dijajah.. dijajah oleh parti politik yang mana pemimpin2nya diragui kejujuran, ketelusan dan kesungguhan mereka dalam menyelesaikan masalah rakyat..