SAHAM Amanah Sabah (SAS) has reported a gross income of RM27,155,786 as at March 15 this year.
Announcing this yesterday, Saham Sabah Berhad (SSB) Chairman, Datuk Maijol Mahap (pictured) said the income derived from SAS’s investment in the stock market (84.61%), dividend income (5.32%), money market (1.18%) and forex forward contract (8.89%).
He said after deducting manager’s expenses and provision for taxation, the distributable income amounted to RM24,109,627.
“With the positive achievement, I am pleased to declare an interim income distribution of 1.9% or 1.90 sen net per unit for 2012.
This income distribution, he said, would involve a total payment of RM23,480,162 and the calculation was based on 1,235,798,000 units held as at March 15 this year.
The total income distribution represented a yield of 5.89% investment return based on the net asset value (NAV) per unit of RM0.3228 as at March 15.
Maijol said the performance for the first two and a half months of this year had been positive with the Bursa Malaysia FBM KLCI closing higher at 1,579.38 points, which represented an increase of 3.18% in comparison to 1,530.73 points as at December 31, 2011.
And for the same period, he said, the performance of MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan index increased by 11.73%.
Maijol also said the income distribution would be paid to 53,998 investors comprising 46,089 individual investors (85.4%), 7,407 investors under the Hardcore Poor Scheme (13.7%), 455 investors with bank loans (0.8%) as well as corporate investors (0.1%).
He added that the income distribution would be paid through the issuance of warrants by April 15 this year.
“However investors under the Hardcore Poor Scheme will be paid cash through their Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB) accounts, if available.
The amount paid to PPRT investors, he said, would be determined at a later date once the PPRT accounts have been updated.
Since its inception 17 years ago, inclusive of the interim 2012 distribution, SAS had declared 12 distributions involving payments amounting to RM404,119,371 net or 71.22%.
what kind of returns do you expect in today situation? Are we getting good returns?
ReplyDeleteSiapa kata harga SAS tidak dapat ditingkatkan kepada RM1 ke atas, buat masa ini harga SAS adalah RM1.90 seunit, sudah kira ada kenaikan yang baik. Diharapkan SSB akan teruskan berusaha untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak keuntungan untuk pelabur SAS. Ini menunjukkan bahawa suntikan RM200 milion daripada kerajaan Sabah dapat membuahkan hasil.
ReplyDeleteIni satu permulaan yang bagus dan kita menantikan keputusan yang lebih cemerlang pada masa depan.
Pada April 15 tahun ini, kita sebagai pelabur bolehlah mendapat pulangan yang lebih baik. Diharapkan pelabur daripada golongan miskin tegar dan PPRT akan sabar menunggu kemasukan pulangan mereka sehingga akaun sudah diupdated.
ReplyDeleteSAPP memainkan isu ini berulang kali untuk meraih sokongan dari rakyat sabah..
ReplyDeleteSAPP sebenarnya bertangungjawab atas apa berlaku pada SAS.
Deletebetul ferlo, SAPP yang bertanggungjawab terhadap SAS.
Deletediharapkan nilai saham SAS akan terus meningkat pada masa akan datang.
ReplyDeleteSAS pasti akan terus meningkat.
DeleteNIlai saham SAS pasti akan terus meningkat dan memberi pelaburan yang baik kepada kita.
DeleteBetulkah?? Baguslah kalau sudah nampak untung kasar untuk SAS.
ReplyDeletesemua perkembangan positif ini hanya berlaku selepas Musa Aman mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negeri.. jika SAPP masih mentadbir negeri ini, entah masalah SAS ini akan selesai atau sebaliknya..