Dear Editor,
I JUST want to share my experience at the BR1M voucher presentation at the Taman Danau Desa just then (18/02/2012 at 2 pm).
I registered as a recipient for BR1M Parlimen Seputeh at 2.30pm. I notice two very huge banners carrying the words 'Undilah BN' or Vote for BN at the premises.
I was told to go inside the Dewan and I notice there were already hundreds of elderly people there (some are coming in the wheelchair). For two hours (from 2 to 4 pm) they were forced to listen to a panel of BN politicians (UMNO and MCA) giving political speeches before they could collect their vouchers. The BN politicians were glorifying themselves but condemning PR through BR1M.
I was pissed-off and walked out from the Dewan after less than 10 minutes and asked one of the BN members or staff outside the Dewan if I could just collect my voucher and leave.
I told them it was inappropriate to campaign for votes at the expense of these elderly people waiting endlessly which is definitely a big hassle for the weak old people, and I further told them I am not interested to listen to their political talk as this is not an election campaign.
Then one chinese man (very sure an MCA man) told me I can choose not to collect the money. I told him off and said the money does not belong to BN or MCA or Najib but from the taxpayers.
This man asked me if I am Teresa Kok’s supporter and started to phone his 'kaki' and took picture of me using his handphone, with an intention to harrass, threaten or frighten me, so to speak.
This is to give you an idea and 'wake-up' call on how aggressive these BN goons are. Please work harder to counter their attacks on Pakatan. Do discuss this within your Pakatan top leaders if Pakatan want to take Putrajaya come 13th GE.
I believe the same thing will happen in other BR1M voucher presentation in other areas. This is definitely a scheme for buying votes by BN.
God Bless Malaysia.
The government should ensure that the BR1M vouchers are distributed smoothly without any hassle or inconvenience for the people.
ReplyDeleteAs our Chief Minister Musa Aman advised previously, Don't keep the people waiting during BR1M distribution. This is a good piece of advice and all should follow it.
ReplyDeletePerbuatan ahli MCA itu sangat biadab dan ini tidak mencerminkan sikap keseluruhan ahli BN. Individu tersebut patut dikenakan tindakan disiplin.
ReplyDeletejika pengadu ini tahu bahawa ahli itu adalah ahli MCA, beliau juga patut tahu nama ahli itu dan mendedahkannya melalui aduan dalam media ini.. jika benar aduan ini, bermakna malang sedang menanti BN.. jika sebaliknya, pembangkang akan terus membangkang selepas PRU13..
Deletebanyak kemungkinan. Betul atau tidak pun belum tahu lagi.
Deletesejak BR1M diperkenakan, telah banyak tanggapan seperti ini dimainkan di media. dan berkali2 juga pemimpin2 BN menafikan tangapan seperti ini melalui media. adakah pemimpin2 BN ini terlalu bodoh "mengiyakan" tanggapan ini dengan membuat pengumuman secara terbuka dihadapan ratusan penerima BR1M yang mana dikalangan mereka mungkin sahaja boleh terdiri daripada penyokong2 kuat PR??
ReplyDeleteUntuk berbuat baik memang ada banyak halangan. PR sudah tentu tidak membiarkan perkara yang baik untuk rakyat daripada kerajaa, pasti ada sja isu untuk dimainkan.
ReplyDeletehal ini belum tentu benar atau tidak, mmg selama ini pihak pembangkang byk memanipulasikan BR1M, mereka akan cuba nak memburukkan usaha kerajaan. dalam hal ini, kita belum tau samada ia benar atau tidak.
ReplyDeleteBR1M ini ditujukan kepada semua pihak tidak kita dia itu pembangkang atauk bukan. Semua berhak menerimanya.