DR BENJAMIN Yapp, Sabah DAP Parliamentary Liaison Chief for Keningau and Tenom commended on the proposal to set up UMS Campus in Apin-Apin, Keningau stated that Keningau District had been left behind in basic infrastructure development for many decades.
He stated that with the future set-up of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) campus in Keningau District, it would ultimately boost the rural physical infrastructures and better public amenities in this part of the interior district of Sabah.
There were many school leavers who had completed their form 5-6 education in various districts in the interior but had not been given the opportunity to attend tertiary education, hence with the setting up of UMS Campus in Keningau, many students would be offered a chance to enter into our local University without having to further their higher education elsewhere.
Besides, this would inevitably contribute towards socio-economic development of the rural people. It is hoped that with better educational advancement, the rural youths would be able to contribute towards a better, self-reliant society and poverty in the rural areas would be alleviated at a great extend stated Dr Benjamin Yapp, who is also Sabah DAP Rural Development Bureau chief.
He also received several comments from parents in the rural districts in Keningau and Tenom that the proposition to set up the UMS Campus in Keningau was a good idea that would enable their children to obtain tertiary education without having to spend so much money and inconveniences on their children's future tertiary education.
Dr Benjamin Yapp suggested that the interior that was endowed with agricultural and farming aspects was also rich in arts and native cultural heritages, he proposed that UMS to introduce Research & Development faculty for arts and cultures in Keningau.
He pointed out that he was once involved in negotiations with UMS officials pertaining to the introduction of one of the richest aboriginal cultural heritages of the Gana' tribes from the interior into its extra-curriculum and programs, thus with the future setting up of UMS Campus in Keningau, the future development in eco-tourism and native cultural heritages would be further enhanced.
Besides the basic training and courses offered by UMS in Keningau District, the youths in the rural areas would have a better future when equipped with advanced education, skills and knowledge as well as researches and employment opportunities offered by the public and private sectors in various fields.
Sabah DAP urged the authorities concerned to speed up with the approval of the 80 acres available for the setting up of UMS Campus in Apin-Apin, Keningau with the allocation of Billion Ringgit for educational development for Sabah.
The rural people are now anxiously waiting to see further development in the basic rural infrastructures and a local University campus to be set up in Keningau would contribute towards many areas of rural development for the benefits of the rural communities in time to come.
Having a new UMS campus set up in Keningau will definitely help improve the education system in that area, it will also become more convenient for the locals to further their studies as they won't need to travel to Kota Kinabalu for their studies.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the approval for the land on which the campus will be set up can be done as soon as possible so that this plan can materialized sooner.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan senantiasa berusaha memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakyat. Ini terbukti dengan cadangan pembinaan kampus UMS di Keningau. Semoga proses meluluskan tanah dapat dibuat dengan segera dan warga Keningau serta kawasan sekitar mampu mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik pada masa akan datang.
ReplyDeleteMemang kerajaan berusaha untuk memberi yang terbaik kepada rakyat. Pasti selepas pembinaan kampus UMS kawasan Keningau akan mengalami perubahan yang pesat.
Deletekenapa tidak di Pantai Timur Sabah?? jika semua pembangunan hanya tertumpu di Pantai Barat, bukankah ianya hanya menyumbang kepada ketidakseimbangan pembangunan di negeri ini??
ReplyDeletewalau apapun langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan negeri, saya harap ia akan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada semua rakyat di negeri ini.. pembinaan UMS di keningau dan kolej KDM amatlah dinantikan oleh rakyat terutamanya belia2 di negeri ini.. pastikan segala2nya berjalan dengan lancar..
ReplyDeleteMungkin tidak lama lagi Keningau akan menjadi sebuah bandar.
ReplyDeletedgn pembinaan kampus tersebut, pasti ia akan menjadi pemacu kepada pembangunan Keningau dari segi infrastruktur dan pendidikan.
ReplyDeletebagus juga kalau macam itu. Kudat sudah ada UMS, Sandakan pun sudah ada UMS, sekarang di Keningau lagi UMS bertapak.