ELECTION Commission (EC) Chairman said yesterday, 13,000 voters in Sabah remain ‘dubious’, mystery, and cannot remove them.
Latest Sabah’s electoral rolls have 882,000 names and estimated 200,000 of them are dubious, consider the facts below:-
1. Hassnar Ebrahim had testified in Court under oath in the 1999 Likas Election Petition trial (without being challenged), and the gist of it was reproduced in M D Mutalib’s book entitled 'IC Projek- Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir?- (Chapter 5). The content of this Chapter was posted in Sabahkini.net few days ago drawing hundreds of comments. This was about what happened in the 80’s regarding ICs issued to foreigners through the back door.
2. Continuation of this treasonous act in the 90’s was revealed by Jabar Khan in 2007 to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity and Harakah papers Jabar Khan disclosed that there was a Sabah Umno Task Force formed in 1991 and its job was to recruit foreigners who were then issued Malaysian ICs and then registered as Umno members and registered in Sabah electoral roll.
3. Datuk Radin Malleh in June 1995 in Parliament had asked for the identity of owners of the following old ICs’ numbers;-
H0288001 to H0384000
H0480001 to H0576000
H0609601 to H0610000
H0658001 to H0658200
H0658401 to H0659000
H0666001 to H0666400
Parliament did not entertain him.
4. In the 1999 Likas Election Petition trial, I exhibited proofs that phantom voters in Likas constituency then (and in Sabah generally) were holders of ICs with their old numbers as shown in (3) above. The Judge stated that the evidence adduced was tip of an iceberg and the judgment was in my favour.
Until today EC did not expunged these names with the above stated old IC numbers except 20,000 of them in year 2000 but 6,400 of these 20,000 were reinstated in 2002. How arrogant is the EC chairman to say that “the election process in this country is truly fair and winning or losing of a candidate has nothing to do with the EC”?
The Electoral Commission must do their best to ensure that the dubious names will be eliminated from the voting list.
ReplyDeleteHope that the voter registration list will be cleaned up before the next general election.
ReplyDeleteGunakanlah kuasa yang ada pada SPR untuk bersihkan senarai pengundi dari pengundi hantu. Tentu SPR boleh cari mekanisme yang sesuai untuk tangani masalah ini. Rakyat mahukan p/raya yang bersih!
ReplyDeleteHarap mereka akan mencari cara penyelesaian yang bagus.
DeleteHarap next GE nanti tidak ada lagi pengundi hantu.
DeleteDiharapkan PRU yang akan datang tiada lagi pengundi hantu dan SPR dapat selesaikan masalah ini.
DeleteCannot be remove? What kind of excuse is that?!!
ReplyDeleteWe should not have the project IC in the first place, not its too late. They have access to our land.
ReplyDeleteSPR harus bertindak dengan adil dan telus...
ReplyDeleteRasanya tu tugas SPR untuk menyelesaikan masalah keraguan tu.
DeleteSPR harus mejalankan tugas mereka dengan jujur dan adil dalam menyelesaikan masalah pengundi hantu ini.
Deleteketidak cekapan SPR untuk mengurus atau menyelesaikan perkara seperti ini menunjukkan kegagalan sistem demokrasi yang diamalkan di negara kita..maka SPR harus berbuat sesuatu mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteSPR juga harus berusaha membuktikan bahawa mereka ni badan yang adil dan boleh dipercayai. Kalau tak, hhmmm...
DeleteJangan risaulah, pasti SPR akan bersikap adil dalam hal ini.
Deletebagaimana pula dengan warga asing yang telah diberikan kewarganegaraan melalui peruntukan undang2?? adakah mereka ini juga disifatkan sebagai pengundi hantu, Projek IC dan sebagainya.. seperti yang kita sedia maklum, dalam perlembagaan juga ada membenarkan pemberian kewarganegaraan berdasarkan syarat2 tertentu..
ReplyDeletememandangkan projek IC ini bermula pada tahun 1990 dan 1991, kenapa tidak ada ahli2 politik waktu itu yang cuba menghalang perkara ini berlaku??
ReplyDeleteClean up b4 the general election, this is my wish
ReplyDeleteEC must ensure that election will be fair and clean when the time comes.
ReplyDelete"ELECTION Commission (EC) Chairman said yesterday, 13,000 voters in Sabah remain ‘dubious’, mystery, and cannot remove them."
DeleteIsn't that enough reason for EC to remove the 13,000 voters since they are "dubious"???
Semoga sebelum next GE semuanya sudah diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteRCI perlu dilaksanakan secepat yang mungkin.
ReplyDeleteSPR harus selaraskan data2 pengundi dan data2 di JPN, dgn ini pasti masalah dalam daftar pengundi dpt diatasi.
ReplyDeleteSPR telah mengenal pasti mereka yang meragukan dan SPR akan menyiasat perkara ini dengan lebih teliti.