WE take to task Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha for saying Sabahans misread and misunderstood the country's cabotage policy in shipping transportation of goods. He is such in a denial attitude that he contradicts himself even to his Prime Minister Najib Razak's view on cabotage.
Since when did the Federal cancel the cabotage policy? Please show us the special announcement that there is no more cabotage policy. Don't just say it.
Even the Prime Minister said, "we are considering (on reviewing cabotage), but here a minister said there is no cabotage, when this very cabotage policy had been strangling our economy in Sabah and Sarawak. Because of cabotage, cost of living is higher here, cost of transportation is higher and this has discouraged investors from coming to Sabah."
There is a delay cost, and so we lose, there is no profit, and as a result cost is raised much higher, and eventually burdening the local consumers, affecting adversely the poor people. It also makes our goods not competitive for export.
In the same breath i would like to challenge Najib if you really mean what you said that you are committed to the future of Malaysia as reported, then please implement the Malaysia Agreement, the 20 Points as the only way to save Malaysia is to respect the original concept of Malaysia and restore Sabah and Sarawak's position as equal partners in the Federation.
Furthermore, to save Malaysia will be to implement 'One Country, Two Systems' whereby a unitary system for the Malaya Federation and a federation system for Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya as equal partners.
FSM Datuk Wong Khen Tau menyatakan bahawa beliau sangat yakin bahawa Perdana Menteri akan menyelesaikan isu Kabotaj sebagai salah satu usaha di bawah agenda transformasi negara untuk menyelesaikan masalah peningkatan kos pengangkutan laut yang menyebabkan harga barangan lebih tinggi di Sabah ini. Kita perlulah tunggu keputusan daripada PM kita mengenai isu ini.
ReplyDeletediharapkan keputusan itu nanti akan adalah berita yang gembira buat sabah dan sarawak.
DeleteHarap isu ini akan selesai, dan semua pihak berpuas hati dengan keputusan itu.
DeleteHarap kerajaan Persekutuan akan bersetuju untuk mengaji semula sistem kabotaj ini supaya masalah ini boleh ditangai seawal mungkin. Ini adalah salah satu isu yang dihadapi oleh rakyat yang memerlukan satu penyelesaian yang baik seperti penubuhan RCI untuk masalah PATI.
ReplyDeleteya.. sistem kabotaj harus dikaji semua bagi memastikan kos di Sabah dpt dikurangkan.
DeleteGovt was fully aware of complaints that the policy was stifling the State economic growth, particularly in the manufacturing sector. Govt want every part of the country to grow economically and that is why the ministry need to look into these issues.
ReplyDeleteCarbotage system is time to re-adjust.
ReplyDeleteThe system burden the people. Hoping the federal to study and whether or not to make necessary improvement.
ReplyDeleteSystem ini menyebabkan harga barang meningkat dan membebankan rakyat sahaja.
ReplyDeleteHarga barangg di Sabah jauh lebih tinggi berbanding di Semenanjung. Oleh itu harap sistem ini dapat di kaji semula untuk memberi kesenangan kepada rakyat Sabah.
DeleteOne country two system, this similar to Hong Kong. Not a bad idea but all these has need to study before taking any action.
ReplyDeleteDemi rakyat, carbotage harus mengambil tindakan yang wajar untuk memansurkannya.
ReplyDeletesistem ini harus dimansuhkan demi kepentingan rakyat sabah dan sarawak.
ReplyDeleteya, harap sistem ini di mansuhkan.
DeleteKerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan menkaji semula polisi yang ada yang menyebabkan beban kepada penduduk.
ReplyDeleteSaya ada dengar baru-baru ini yang mana COOP1M akan dilaksanakan di Sabah dan Sarawak. Ini memberikan harga yang sama dengan di semenanjung nanti.
ReplyDeletekalaupun cabotage policy ini dimansuhkan, ada apa2 jaminan ka bahawa pemimpin2 pembangkang tidak akan mempolitikkan isu ini?? sebagaimana mereka menimbulkan persepsi negatif terhadap hasrat pemimpin2 kerajaan, begitu jugalah ketika policy ini sedang dimansuhkan atau selepas di mansuhkan..