Tuesday, 11 September 2012


MASALAH.....Azizah yang hadir di majlis Hari Raya Kg Kekuro Beaufort turut mengambil berat terhadap masalah dikemukakan penduduk.


BAEUFORT: Sebanyak RM225 juta setahun telah dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan bagi membiayai pelabgai bantuan kebajikan di negeri ini.

Menteri Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Datuk Azizah Mod Dun ketika menyatakan perkara itu berkata ianya membuktikan kerajaan yang ditadbir oleh Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak pernah mengabaikan kebajikan rakyat.

“Untuk pelbagai bantuan kebajikan sahaja kerajaan telah membelanjakan sebanyak 225 juta setahun di negeri ini. Kerajaan BN dan pemimpin BN sentiasa memastikan rakyat terus terbela dan hanya melalui kerajaan BN rakyat akan mendapat manfaat pembangunan secara berterusan,” katanya sambil menaruh keyakinan bahawa rakyat tetap memberi sokongan kepada kerajaan BN.

“Saya melihat bahawa sokongan rakyat semakin kukuh dan ini juga membuktikan bahawa rakyat semakin matang dan sedar bahawa BN mampu memberi kesejahteraan hidup di negara ini walaupun pun kita berbilang kaum. Justeru marilah kita terus bersatu menyokong usaha kerajaan untuk memastkan kesejahteraan kita akan terus terjamin,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika merasmikan majlis Jelajah Sayang dan Hari Raya Aidilfitri di Keg Kekuro, di sini kelmarin.

Azizah yang juga Ahli dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Klias itu berkata kerajaan akan menyalurkan lebih banyak lagi peruntukan untuk manfaat rakyat luar bandar.

Pada majlis itu Azizah menyampaikan duit raya kepada kanak-kanak yang hadir.


  1. Semoga kebajikan penduduk Sabah ini akan dapat diberikan berterusan. Jangan abaikan kepentingan dan hak penduduk Sabah.

  2. Ini akan dapat meningkatkan sokongan rakyat dan juga akan mengukuhkan lagi sokongan rakyat kepada kerajaan. maka teruskan pelbagai usaha yang baik untuk rakyat.

  3. The Minister of Community Development and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun has lauded the Yayasan Kebajikan Suria for providing excellent education and care services to orphans and children.

  4. In addition, the YKS Home is also providing facilities such as hostels, a dining hall, a multipurpose hall, and a library for the children.

  5. The people of this nation are now beginning to reap the benefits from the transformation programmes carried out by the Barisan Nasional government under the Najib administration for the past three years.

  6. According to the Prime Minister, the promises made by the BN government in developing the country and helping the people had been fulfilled through the various programmes implemented during the period.

  7. Within the last three years alone,There have been a remarkable development and people are saying real change is taking place. Should the present administration be given another five years, certainly there will be can make more changes and betterment for the common people, thus it is safe to asay that not only the government made promises, but also intends to fulfill them.

  8. All efforts could be implemented through the idea and implementation capability of the BN government which had been proven all this while: This includes 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), 1Malaysia Public Housing (PR1MA), 1Malaysia Clinic and the Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) and Rural Transformation Centre (RTC) proved that the government had succeeded in implementing all that it had planned.

  9. Apart from that, the Prime Minister too made emphasis of the importance of intellectual capacity to think of new ideas because in the 21st century.He noted that leaders with better ideas will get the support of the people. This clearly demonstated that the present administration have ideas to help the common people.

  10. Not only did the present administration have implemented BR1M, PR1MA, but also bent on the implementation of urban transformation.On that note, the Prime Minister also reminded the people not to accept people who make empty promises and do not fulfil them - people who lie. A government must fulfil their promises.

    On that remark, Najib said the opposition made many promises that they could not fulfil to the extent that the people in the states ruled by them were facing difficulties.

    Coming back to the opposition, it is evident taht they are trying to breed a negative value culture among Malaysians including teaching the people not to appreciate deeds and services of other people.

    The negative culture such as this if left unchecked and uncorrected could bring adverse implications to the thinking of the people not only in government, but it will penetrate beyond people relations especially among members of the community.

    The culture practised by the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is a culture of protecting and assisting the people as well as developing the country which was noted as exeplementrary while in contrast the opposition only promote negative values such as being ungrateful.They teach people not feel obligated: telling them that it is the responsibility of the government to build roads, public amenities and manage the economy.

    On a much more communal scale, should this way of thinking is left unchecked, our children in future would also not be grateful to their parents. Apart from teaching the people to be ungrateful, the opposition also breed other negative culture such as not servicing loans and to be bold in making empty promises. Ultimately this would lead to the breakdown of our social fabric.

  11. Not only did the present administration have implemented BR1M, PR1MA, but also bent on the implementation of urban transformation.On that note, the Prime Minister also reminded the people not to accept people who make empty promises and do not fulfil them - people who lie. A government must fulfil their promises.

    1. 'Janji Ditepati', itulah tema hari kemerdekaan pada tahun ni. Semoga kerajaan akan memenuhi janji yang telah mereka buat terhadap rakyat.

  12. On that remark, Najib said the opposition made many promises that they could not fulfil to the extent that the people in the states ruled by them were facing difficulties.

    Coming back to the opposition, it is evident taht they are trying to breed a negative value culture among Malaysians including teaching the people not to appreciate deeds and services of other people.

    The negative culture such as this if left unchecked and uncorrected could bring adverse implications to the thinking of the people not only in government, but it will penetrate beyond people relations especially among members of the community.

    The culture practised by the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is a culture of protecting and assisting the people as well as developing the country which was noted as exeplementrary while in contrast the opposition only promote negative values such as being ungrateful.They teach people not feel obligated: telling them that it is the responsibility of the government to build roads, public amenities and manage the economy.

    On a much more communal scale, should this way of thinking is left unchecked, our children in future would also not be grateful to their parents. Apart from teaching the people to be ungrateful, the opposition also breed other negative culture such as not servicing loans and to be bold in making empty promises. Ultimately this would lead to the breakdown of our social fabric.

  13. BN prihatin dengan keperluan rakyat.

  14. Diharap rakyat tahu membezakan parti mana yang mampu membantu rakyat Sabah.

  15. inilah bukti CM Musa memberi perkhimatan kepada rakyat tanpa mengambil kira tuduhan dr pembangkang.

  16. Selagi kerajaan memberikan keutamaan pada kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat, pasti sokongan rakyat akan tetap berpihak pada kerajaan.

  17. byk jg kebajikan kerajaan lakukan di Sabah.

  18. untuk bantuan kebajikan sahaja kerajaan telah membelanjakan RM225 juta untuk negeri Sabah.. bermakna negara berkebajikan yang diumumkan oleh PAS telah lebih dulu dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan BN..

  19. seperti yang dikatakan oleh Azizah bahawa selepas ini pasti lebih banyak bantuan kebajikan disalurkan oleh kerajaan ke negeri ini..
