PUMP.....Edward and Stephen inspecting the water pumps with resident.
SOME of the tenants of the 280 units of low cost flats in the Taman Vista Kiranau in Inobong, Penampang had approached the Sabah DAP Local Government and Housing Bureau to request their assistance in highlighting the various problems faced by the tenants here.
The Bureau Chief cum the Sabah DAP Vice Chairman, Edward Ewol Mujie and his assistant Stephen Yarman went on site to view the complaints of the said low cost housing flats. They were met by some resident there who had shown them around.
Their complaint mostly is on the water supply which faced cut off and run down with empty tanks, no water to cook, to bath and washing. This happened quite often and had created much difficult and dismay among the resident here. Sometimes, they have to face without water for as long as a few days.
The main problem with the water supply is from the booster pumps which are frequently broken down and the repair comes slow. During the time of their visit, Edward and Stephen witnessed another broke-down and the residents were crying for water. Some had to carry their water in buckets from else way. The management for the low cost flats is slow to come to repair the pumps.
A heavy overflow in the sewerage plant is observed on site and the management said that it is due to pump failure and needed to wait for the maintenance crews to come to replace the faulty pumps. The whole area is filled with stinging foul smell and it is unbearable for those who lives next to the sewerage plant.
Besides, there is the complaint on the car parking space available in the housing area. It is claimed that there is actually not enough parking lots, and short of some 160 parking lots for the residents to park their cars.
To make the situation worse, there are many cars unknown to the residents being left in the parking lots for a long time now. They said why there is shortage of parking lots because there should be at least one lot for each unit.
They want to know the reason why and also the developer (SPNB) should build more car parking lots for them. They have bought the units and they demand their basic right to be honored.
Edward said by the way he looks at the small water pumps installed to pump the water up to the fifth floor water tank and also serving the many blocks of flats, definitely these are too small and under capacity. May be this is the reason that these small pumps are frequently overloaded and short-circuited.
It is better to modify the pumps to larger pumps to solve the problems. As on the car parking lots, Edwards said the developer must follow what was promised in the sale and purchase agreement. There should be enough car parking lots for everyone including visitor’s car.
Edward advised the resident to immediately form their own resident committee to take over the management of these low cost flats. This will be more direct and effective in terms of managing their flats in the future.
He said he doesn’t mind to come to chair the meeting for the residents there to form their resident committee. He said many resident committees in other housing estates were initiated by the Sabah DAP .
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