THE KOTA KINABALU Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu asked the Federal Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities in Parliament last month on how the federal government can help to process the oil palm fruit, and also on the assistance that can be provided to help other types of agriculture produce in the Kudat district.
The Minister written reply stated that in the Kudat district there is a total 7,026 hectares of oil palm planted by the small holders up to 2010. In order to help the small holders in the district, there are a total number of 10 companies to purchase their fruits and there are also two processing mills.
For the purpose to boost the productivity of the small holders, different types of assistance are provided by the government as follows:-
a)To provide assistance for the replanting of rubber for RISDA with RM9,230 per hectare in West Malaysia, RM13,000 per hectare for Sarawak and RM14,000 for Sabah with a period of five years.
b)Assiatance on the replanting of oil palm for small holders (TSSPK) (Tanam Semula Sawit Pekebun Kecil) is RM7,000 per hectare, and
c)Under the scheme of planting new oil palm (TBSPK) (Tanam Baru Sawit Pekebun Kecil), the small holder is given RM7,000 per hectare.
Hiew views this is not good enough if we are serious in getting the agriculture sector in the Kudat District to get on to a higher level of production. The Sabah government should let the people to use the huge area of cultivable state land here to plant more agriculture crops. The vast area of state land, about 2 million over acres are idling and not productive. It is growing with plenty of useless grass and bushes.
Hiew further stressed that the land policies in Sabah should be changed to allow the Sabahan to have free use the government land which are idle and abandoned. The people who are illegible are to be given land to plant and make the land productive.
There are many Sabahan who are capable to plant but there is just no land for them to plant. Just imaging if the million acres of idle state land if they are being opened up by the people with the help from the government, what will be the eventual income for the state and the people? This sum will definitely be very big and will bring much progress to the Kudat district.
Hiew proposed to allow the Sabahan to utilize the idle state land based on a ‘non-transferable lease/deed’ and for a specific condition and period of usage, and it is not allowed to be sold or charged to the bank. It is only allowed for personal application, and the land size applied for is not more then 20 acres each, so that more landless Sabahan can have a piece of land to work on. Why should the big companies come to Kudat and Kota Marudu district to grab the land from the poor kampong folks, and not giving the kampong folks land to plant so as to increase their income?
From the answer received from the minister, it is very clear that the BN government did not have a proper plan to uplift the agriculture production and the well being of the people in the Kudat district. The land owned by the people and available for planting of agriculture crops is small and limited. Therefore, the government should consider opening up big area of government land for the use of the people.
Hope that the government is true to their word and hope that the smallholders will work hard to develop those lands.
ReplyDeleteThe government should help the Sabahans to boost the agriculture industry.
ReplyDeleteSounds good Hiew, wait for the feedback from the federal Govt. Will they using the method you've suggested.... I can't wait for the reply.
ReplyDeleteBut Hiew, don't be sad if your proposal not to be used. I believe the govt already prepared something to improve the agriculture in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteusaha untuk membantu pengusaha kecil perlu sentiasa dilakukan agar dapat memajukan peusahaan mereka.
ReplyDeleteselain itu pengusaha kecil juga perlu sentiasa berusaha dan bijak merebut peluang untuk menjadi maju.
ReplyDeletepengusaha kecil harus gunakan kesempantan yng ada untuk terus maju.
ReplyDeleteSetuju dengan Sam dan Mantra. Pengusaha kecil harus bijak merebut peluang yang ada dan tidak mudah berputus asa.
ReplyDeleteSemoga kerajaan persekutuan sentiasa berusaha untuk memajukan pengusaha kecil dan tidak mengenepikan mereka dalam pembangunan negara.
ReplyDeleteBantulah mereka untuk terus mencari rezeki.
ReplyDeletekerajaan perlu memberi bantuan kepada pengusaha kecil Sabah agar dapat meningkatkan ekonomi mereka dan seterusnya kadar kemiskinan dapat dikurangkan.
ReplyDeleteFree land for sabahan to plant is a good idea.
ReplyDeleteI hope the government will consider this idea.
ReplyDeletewhatever you plan is, make sure that 50% of sabah land still covered by forest.
ReplyDeleteThanks for highlighting this Mr Hiew.
ReplyDeleteIni harus dipertimbangkan.
ReplyDeleteWe deserve the right to do so.
ReplyDeleteTanah lapang harus diberi untuk tujuan berkenaan.
ReplyDeleteIt should be considered.