Thursday, 7 July 2011


FLASH…..Flash flooding in the Cathedral staff quarters.


THE famous All Saint Cathedral in Kota Kinabalu was serious flooded after a short down pour of rain this morning. The flood came as a surprise to the Dean and church workers said there were never a flood occurred in the church compound in the past.

The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu was at once alerted by the church of the flood situation where he is also a member of the All Saint cathedral. Hiew immediately arrived on site with the DBKK supervisors to inspect the flood situation. The compound of the church, car parks, roads, the quarters and the garden were all submerged under deep water. The flood water was flowing into the quarter of the Dean’s quarter.

Hiew and Edward Ewol Mujie were shocked to see the bad flooding happened in the Cathedral, and they said if the water rose by another foot, the whole church building would be flooded in too. Hiew later found out that this is because the main drain outlets were blocked by a nearby development project. The drain was blocked by plywood and debris from the construction site.

TRAP….Blocked drain between the church and the work site.

The DBKK supervisor in charge of drainage promised that he will immediately send his team to clear the blockage and all the debris from the drains to allow a free flow of water into the main drain.

Hiew called upon the DBKK to always check on the many drains in the City and make proposal to improve the water locked and pounding areas. There are still many areas in KK where we can see pools of water accumulating which gives rise to bad smell and become breeding for mosquitoes.

There is definitely the need to build more drains either above or underground. The various construction site within the City in particular must be watched and inspected constantly to avoid any of its dirty waste water flowing into the near by properties, and also not to block the drains. It is of no use when disasters strike.


  1. DBKK must give warning to the construction site to clear out the drains so that it will not cause any problems to nearby buildings.

  2. masalah perparitanlah yang sering menjadi punca banjir berlaku di kawasan-kawasan bandar. harap pihak berkenaan segera bertindak mengatasi masalah ini.

  3. harap pekara ini akan diberikan perhatian agar tiada masalah berulang.

  4. masalah ini perlu diselesaikan.

  5. Cubalah DAP tolong selesaikan lagi bagus dari bercakap kosong saja.

  6. DBKK patut saman saja pemaju tu kerana pasal mereka la tempat tu banjir...selain itu, Jabatan Kesihatan boleh datang & cek kawasan pembinaan tu, manalah tahu ada tempat pembiakan nyamuk...

  7. Setuju. Kena bagi disiplin juga para pemaju ni. Mungkin ini perkara remeh bagi mereka tetapi ia memberi kesan yang buruk kepada masyarakat. Mereka kena pastikan kawasan sekitar pembinaan bersih dan bahan2 binaan tidak diletakkan sembarangan.

  8. Selain melaporkan masalah2 seperti ini, mungkin ada baiknya juga kalau DAP buat gotong-royong untuk membersihkan kawasan itu.

  9. The responsible authorities should immediately fix this problem.

  10. I have to agree with NorthSouth. Don't just make a report about this kind of problems, help in really "help" them. Gotong-royong is good way to actually help them.

  11. pihak pertama yang patut kita salahkan ialah kontraktor. mereka patut tahu mana tindakan yang salah dan mana yang betul.. dan kontraktor itu juga patut bertanggungjawab terhadap masalah ini..
