ABANDONED…the abandoned Dewan Sebaguan at Landung Ayang, Kudat.
SABAH DAP Kudat wants to know which authority is looking after the maintenance of the ‘Dewan Serbaguna in Landung Ayang and futsal court which is a project of the Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Kudat.
Alex Wong is not happy to see the condition of the place when he went to check the premise with Tuan Haji Anggali Asgari when he received a complaint from the public. Alex said it is underutilized.
This is a waste of Public Fund where the Dewan was built to cater for the needs of the youth staying in Landung Ayang. The place is not fit for Youth to use as the grounds are stagnant with water and the fuse is not in its place. The condition of the building and its surroundings is not conducive and safe for the youth and children to use.
Even though the Futsal court was ready in February 2010 but the condition is as though it has been abandoned for 5 years. According to sources the cost of the Futsal court is estimated RM150,000 paid to the contractor to complete the premise but why is it not maintained.
As a Representative of Sabah DAP Kudat, Alexander Wong wants answers in regard to this matter so as to service the people and the youth of Landung Ayang Kudat so that they can use the premise in a safe and well maintained condition. Alex failed to get an answer from the district office because they themselves do not know about the matter.
The Government should not waste money on projects they don’t intend to maintain and look after. Only when there is a serious accident then the authorities will take action and that will be too late. Alex said he hope the authorities will take action as soon as possible before more cost may occur.
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