Thursday 16 February 2012


RUBBISH.....Sabah DAP member inspect Kayu Madang rubbish dump site.

THE KOTA KINANALU Central garbage and rubbish disposal dump site in Kayu Madang, near Telipok is getting filled up very soon in a couple of years time.

This was observed during a visit conducted by the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu with the Sabah DAP Vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie and his assistant Stephen Yarman.

They went round the whole smelly dump site and saw many lorry brought in loads of garbage and refuse. There are some 500 tonnes of rubbish being collected from Penampang, Putatan, Kota Kinabalu, and even from Tuaran and dumped here daily.

The life expectancy of this Kayu Madang will be cut short and ends up soon, if there is no proper control and monitoring over the various type of rubbish that are brought into here.

It is observed that there is no system of sorting out the various type of waste, eg. house-hold waste, construction and building material waste, industrial waste, and kitchen waste were all mixed up and burried together.

There are many people making a living here by picking up plastic, metal pieces and any thing still worth some money.

KKMP Hiew said that the dump site will eventually be fully filled up and what come next is that the authorities will be busy looking for new dumping ground else way. MP Hiew suggested that in order to prolong the life of the Kayu Madang dump site, it will be of advantage to source for a seperate dump for the solid waste like building materials, industrial waste and old tyres which do not have foul smell.

In Kayu madang, old tyres were burnt in open air, is this not polluting the air with its black smoke? How come the DOE allowed DBKK to do open burning without sending them a summon?

The volume of the rubbish can be very much reduced if a suitable sized incinerator can be built and installed here to burn off the rubbish. This can also generate heat energy to generate electricity to supply to the near by kampongs if not KKIP.

We must have a proper planning to solve our rubbish disposal, if not very soon we shall have piles of 'smelly problems' in front of us.


  1. Cara yang lebih baik untuk mengurus dan melupuskan sampah sampah diperlukan supaya tidak bertimbun.

  2. Kita perlulah mencari penyelesaian untuk sampah sarap, satu cara adalah untuk membangkitkan semangat kitar-semula, kajilah apa yang Jepun sudah lakukan di negara mereka untuk mendapatkan jalan penyelesaian.

  3. This is definately a sore for the eye

  4. Hopefully in there future DBKK will look into alternative measure in waste management to counter this matter.

  5. Kerajaan negeri harus memberi perhatian terhadap masalah tu dan segera bertindak.

  6. pengurusan sampah perlu dilakukan dgn teratur dan sistematik.

  7. pembuangan sampah di kawasan ni memang sangat mencemarkan. kalau lalu kawasan ni memang tidak tahan baunya.

  8. harap2 lepas ni ada tindakan yang lebih tegas dibuat supaya masalah ini dapat diselesaikan.

  9. Tempat pelupusan sampah juga perlu dipantau agar tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar.

  10. Semakin hari semestinya semakin bertambah penggunaan barangan buangan. Maka pihak berkuasa juga perlulah pandai merancang bagi memastikan masalah ini dapat ditangani.

  11. government need to look how advance country manage their waste..

  12. many advanced technologies exist today to help manage waste such as anaerobic digestion systems and layered landfills sites that allow the leaching of residues that could be harmful to the environment or that could be beneficial in usage for fertilization of gardens and lawns. power can be harnessed from organic matter and turned into energy...
