Friday 10 February 2012



SAPP had made the call for the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Sabah's Illegal immigrant problem to the Federal authorities to clear doubts in the minds of Sabahans as to the unusual population increase in the number of Malaysians in Sabah.

To that effect, in February 2011 that SAPP Youth had taken the initiative to collect 100,000 signatures from Malaysians and had since delivered the Memorandum to the Prime Minister as well as the Sabah Chief Minister.

During the signature campaign exercise, many, especially in BN, then ridiculed us and said that SAPP was harping on old issues as "we had run out of more relevant issues to raise".

However, during the recent months, it was interesting to note that BN components, especially PBS leaders had taken to the papers to "demand" that RCI should be set up. The slow build up was deliberate and vivid.

Today's report on Harian Ekspres was indicative that PBS Secretary General, Datuk Radin Malleh had somehow got advance word that the Prime Minister had already agreed to set up the RCI on Sabah's illegal immigrants and was preparing to heap self congratulatory praise on himself and PBS .

It seems that once again, that BN component leaders wants to hoodwink the rakyat of Sabah into thinking that if it were not for these so called leaders, the RCI will not be set up.

But, it is not a matter of simply setting up the RCI. The rakyat of Sabah demands that the findings of the investigations are acted upon. For starters, why not refute the findings of the book by Mutalib M.D?

What Sabahans clearly fear is an announcement that the RCI will be set up but no findings of investigations revealed due to lack of time, courteousy of PRU 13. Sabahans have watched many political 'wayangs' over the years, and may be treated to yet another 'BN Wayang Kulit'.

In addition, SAPP Youth wants credible members to be part of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Sabah's Illegal immigrant problem. Otherwise, it will be another 'VK Lingam' fracas. Let us hope that the impending PRU 13 election is not the only reason why the RCI seems to be seeing the light of day.

(NOTE : Edward Dagul is Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth Chief).


  1. Maybe SAPP don't want to missed out the fun while everyone else is also supporting the RCI.

  2. Only the PM and the Federal Government can make the decision whether to approve the establishment of the RCI or not.

  3. SAPP forgot to update their information.

    1. SAPP masih bising pasal RCI padahal PM dah beri respon positif mengenai RCI.

  4. Hopefully RCI will be implemented before next GE

  5. RCI kemungkinan besar akan ditubuhkan tak lama lagi.

    1. sinar harapan buat orang2 Sabah. semoga penubuhan RCI akan berhasil.

  6. Ikhlaskah SAPP memperjuangkan penubuhan RCI atau ada udang di sebalik batu?

  7. Rasanya mengenai RCI kerajaan persekutuan telah pun menerima cadangan tersebut dan dalam perbincangan sekarang ini.

  8. bila ada ura2 RCI akan ditubuhkan, cepat2 SAPP tampil kononnya mereka la yang berjuang untuk isu ini..

  9. kalaupun RCI berjaya ditubuhkan di negeri ini, usaha itu bukan datang daripada SAPP atau parti politik yang lain.. tetapi datang dari suara rakyat sabah sendiri.. suara rakyat Sabah jauh lebih kuat dari suara ahli2 politik..

    1. Pok silap saja bah SAPP ni. Trep hero kunun.
