Monday 6 February 2012



BY WANTING to deregister Kita, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is making a huge mistake in his political career. People’s first question is why on earth is he doing that for? We get the impression that he is unable to handle a small problem and wants to show the world how weak he is by just giving up everything and kill off his party.

Doesn’t he know how difficult it is to get a party registered in Malaysia? He should go around in Sabah and talk to people who have spent fortunes travelling to Kuala Lumpur to beg the Registrar of Societies and the Home Minister to please register their parties!

We also know here that a political party in hand can be a pot of gold because it can be sold to the right bidder for a few million ringgits, depending on the circumstances. A savvy politician wouldn’t do what Zaid is doing, they would be disbanding a party only because they will gain something, not because they can’t handle it anymore.

He should also know that it will cost him nothing to just keep the party alive for years in the future. It can be dormant and still be alive! He never knows when to can come handy, because the political scenarios in Malaysia are now very fluid and volatile. And what a shame that he admits to not having the money to run it and that certain people who have promised to help have now backed out.

To me this is childish politics which betrays Zaid’s immaturity and lack of dignity. I have lost a lot of respect for him because of this open admittance. I feel that he is only half the leader that I thought he was. If he can’t even handle a dormant party, he can’t handle a heavier responsibility involving divisions, branches or state and national matters.

In politics you don’t declare to the world that you don’t have money, that you have been abandoned by your sponsors, that you just want to throw in the towel. I guess he would be more comfortable being a lawyer, a profession he is more suited to.


  1. Dia tidak berkemampuan untuk membawa parti ke tujuan asal penubuhan. Lebih baik bubarkan saja.

    1. rasanya itulah jalan yang terbaik jika beliau merasakan KITA tidak dapat maju ke depan. sedikit sebanyak tindakan ini memberi persepsi yang negatif terhadap kepimpinan beliau.

  2. Barang kali Zaid Ibrahim terpaksa membubarkan parti beliau kerana tidak mendapat ahli yang mencukupi.

  3. Nampaknya Zaid Ibrahim tidak mempunyai pendirian yang teguh kerana boleh membubarkan partinya semata-matanya hendak menyokong PR. Kesian penyokong Kita kerana pemimpin parti mereka tidak mampu berterusan.

  4. Perhaps this is the best course of action that he has taken thus far

  5. nampaknya Parti Kita pimpinan Zaid tidak bertahan lama. parti trsbtu mmg tiada sokongan, tanpa sokongan ia tidak dpt hidup.

  6. lepas ini, apa pula hala tuju Zaid? adakah dia akan sertai parti lain?

  7. sia-sia saja penubuhan KITA.

  8. Apa boleh buat KITA bukan pilihan rakyat.

  9. Nampaknya Zaid Ibrahim perlulah pandai dan perlu mencari ilmu lagi dalam bidang politik jika ingin menubuhkan apa parti pun. Kita tengok sendiri KITA yang tidak bertahan lama terus dibubarkan.

  10. saya respect beliau kerana berani mendedahkan kelemahan dan kekurangan dalam diri beliau.. jika tidak mampu, terus terang saja..

  11. parti2 lain yang tidak mendapat tempat dihati rakyat juga patut berundur bagi memberikan laluan kepada parti lain yang lebih berpotensi..

    1. Bubarkan saja daripada bikin samak.
