Dear Editor,
NEW era SAPP political history begins after they are defeated in the by-election. It will be a great blow to Yong's prestige. As a political veteran, how could he lose to a woman with shallow political experience? Barisan candidate Datin Linda Tsen Thau Lin, wife of late MP Datuk Edmund Chong, might get sympathy votes but Yong cannot.
What exactly happen to ‘Taiko’ Yong?
I affirmative, confidence that SAPP does not understand the sentiments of Sandakan people. They do not accept the 'Bossy-Taiko' attitute.
From my observation, Sandakan people very sentimental. You cannot ask them to fight for a cause that they do not share. For example, ‘Sabah for Sabahans’, has no meaning in Sandakan, since Berjaya and PBS has been 100% Sabahan Party.
They absolutely are not convinced that SAPP is in anyway better. Especially after the exodus of leaders like Tham Nyip Shen, Raymond Tan, Au Kam Wah etc.
DAP has been effective in winning over the anti-BN voters. PKR did not even get much Bumi votes. Instead of that, BN was able to get 40+% of Chinese votes. DAP also 40+%, and Yong got less than 20%?
Yong peaked too soon, he got 80% of chinese votes the first few days after nomination, then BN and DAP fought back very hard and picked up votes one-by-one. Yong also failed to get Bumi votes, although better than PKR.
Yong must now rethink his future steps. He losses both BN and PR trust. He also lost bargaining power in PR now. He needs more and (better) leaders in his party!
Best Regards, ‘Happy Diwali’
dear ex-sapp leader,
ReplyDeletefirst of all, i would like to praise your views regarding the following:
1."how could he lose to a woman with shallow political experience?" My answer is, I think you need to do some research. Remember YTL stood alone within his own party unlike BN and PKR.YTL has only ONE voice whereas BN has the whole KL + Sabah voices. In fact the BN to me are COWARDS. Dont you think so? Why dont you suggest YTL vs Linda only?
2. 'Sabah for Sabahan' has no meaning in sandakan".Please Ex-SAPP, I think for this topic, you need to wake up from your deep sleep. You also need to look it in a bigger picture rather than putting specifically to the understanding of the ignorant batu sapi voters esp to those bumis. I think i dont need to ellaborate on this but instead I suggest you to do your own homework - research?
For your info, I am not polically affiliated with any political party but as a SABAHAN I am ready to fight for the RIGHTS of SABAH. I will not be easily influence by the shallow talks of POLITICIANs, let alone a POLISHER like you.