SABAH Economic Development and Investment Authority (Sedia), Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Dr Yaakub Johari, denied allegations that certain communities have not benefited from any Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) projects.
He said the list of successful contractors for the RM1.277 billion projects can be viewed at Sedia's website at www.sedia.com.my. As a matter of fact, all communities had benefited from SDC projects as evidenced not only from the list of contractors, but also from the list of consultants for SDC projects as well as projects under the Public-Private Partnership, he said.
He said SDC flagship projects such as the Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre and Tongod, Pitas, Kemabong, Kota Belud and Beluran Agropolitan Projects have benefited the poor of all communities, especially the KDM.
The records are there for everyone to see, especially the communal title holders who are the main beneficiary of related agropolitan projects.
"I wish to emphasise that Sedia subscribes to the principles of good governance and has been very professional and transparent in the performance of its duties, including in the award of all SDC projects," he said in response to some concerns that Sedia had been deliberately excluding certain communities in the award of SDC projects.
"I wish to clarify that all SDC projects are funded by the Federal Government under the development expenditure. The awards of these projects are, therefore, subjected to stringent rules and procedures as stipulated in the Treasury Instructions laid out by the Federal Government.
"All SDC projects had been awarded through an open tender process. Invitation to bid had been published in major local newspapers detailing specific requirements," he said.
Dr Yaakub said the tender bidders were then subjected to a series of technical and financial evaluations by the various committees comprising members drawn from related government agencies.
Only qualified bidders were shortlisted for the deliberation of Sedia Tender Boards. The public is welcome to Sedia office to obtain the name of successful contractors of all SDC projects at any time during office hours.
Most important, he said, was the fact that the Auditor General has given a clean bill of health to Sedia's financial records for two consecutive years: namely for 2009 and 2010.
"This is testimony that in the exercise of its functions and fiduciary duties, Sedia has adopted a high standard of professionalism, and complied with the principles of good governance as well as related laws and procedures as laid out by the government, especially under the Financial Procedure Act and Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority Enactment 2009," he said.
KDM Malaysia Vice President Datuk Peter Anthony had claimed that KadazanDusun-Murut contractors were never considered for projects such as those carried out in the SDC which are managed by Sedia.
All projects should be given out through open tender to be fair to all applicants and ensure that the best company will get the job.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, the SDC should also constantly monitor to see if the project is running smoothly.
ReplyDeletesyarikat2 tempatan ambil peluang ini dalam mendapatkan tender. ia dibuka kepada umum.
ReplyDeletepastikan syarikat2 memenuhi syarat yang diberikan. kemahiran dan pengalaman amat penting supaya dapat bersaing dengan luar.
Deletediharap pembanguna SDC dapat memberi banyak manfaat kepada rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletepemberian tender secara terbuka lebih memperlihatkan ketelusan. harap2 tiada lagi unsur2 kronisme.
ReplyDeleteJangan hanya projek diberikan kepada orang sendiri dan kroni saja. Seharusnya diberikan lebih terbuka dan jujur.
ReplyDeletesaya harap penjelasan ini mampu untuk membersihkan imej SDC dan mengembalikan reputasi mereka setelah berbagai spekluasi negatif dilemparkan terhadap mereka sebelum ini..
ReplyDelete"All SDC projects had been awarded through an open tender process. Invitation to bid had been published in major local newspapers detailing specific requirements," he said.
ReplyDeleteThere goes the evidence, published in local newspapers. Satisfied?