“THE PRIME Minister should announce once and for all whether the RCI is on or off. The PM should show sincerity and clear the confusion,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah.
Right now, the dilly-dallying shows that the Government is insincere and only playing with the emotions of the people on the eve of the forthcoming general elections.
The delay is also embarrassing BN component leaders who have been made to believe and committed themselves to the announcement of the RCI that never materialized.
“If the Government is going to announce the RCI now, it should also make public the terms of reference of the RCI and ensure sincerity and transparency in solving the problems. The RCI should not be a white-wash or an election gimmick.
UMNO should show respect to its component partners rather than showing once again that the BN components are irrelevant and does not count in such an important decision and issue.
On the other hand, it is only right for the BN component partners to give UMNO their ultimatum. What are the BN component partners waiting for?
Hope to hear the announcement from the PM regarding this implementation of the RCI. Do not delay this until the next general election was held.
ReplyDeleteyup. i think this issue will affected the peoples vote in the next GE. so, make sure it will be announced as soon as possible.
DeleteThe Federal Government has already express their approval for this RCI, we are one step closer to achieving the RCI for illegal immigrants in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Najib is waiting a right time to announce it.
DeleteHope to hear the good news SOON!
Deletekerajaan Persekutuan harus serius mengenai penubuhan RCI. Jika tidak rakyat Sabah pasti meragui keikhlasan Persekutuan.
ReplyDeletebetul, tindakan wajar harus diambol oleh kerajaan persekutuan.
Deleterakyat pasti tertanya2 kenapa tuntutan yang sudah mencecah 3 dekad ni masih belum diluluskan oleh kerajaan persekutuan.
DeleteRCI harus dilaksanakan sebelum PRU13.
ReplyDeleteThe PM did not dismiss the notion of setting up the RCI on illegal immigrants. In fact he has expressed his support on that matter.
ReplyDeletemeans that the possibility for RCI to be set up is high.
DeleteA task which has a significant effect needs to be studied in detail to ensure there are no loose end as well as uncovered grounds.
ReplyDeleteOther BN components has expressed their confidence that The PM will announce this matter.
ReplyDeleteAs of today, The PM was quoted that he will announce this matter when the time is right.
ReplyDeleteHopefully all genuine Sabahan will wait patiently for this announcement.
ReplyDeleteRCI pasti akan ditubuhkan juga nnti, kita tunggu ja.
ReplyDeleteapapun, jgnlah ambil masa terlalu lama untuk tubuhkannya.
ReplyDeleteSokong dengan ferlo, jangan ambil masa yang lama, rakyat Sabah sangat mengharap agar keputusan dapat di buat segera.
Deletekehadiran PATI di Sabah semakin membimbangkan di mana beberapa kawasan di Sabah ni sudah dikuasai oleh pati. Jadi, penubuhan RCI tidak boleh dilengah2kan lagi.
DeleteRCI akan di umumkan juga, tunggu masa yang sesuai.
ReplyDeleteonce the RCI established, they will say that the RCI conducted with no integrity, full manipulation and no transparency..
ReplyDeletethere always way for the opposition to twist things up to confuse the people.
DeletePerkara ini harus di beri perhatian.rakyat sabah sangat mengharapakan masalah PATI dapat di selesaikan degan segera.
ReplyDeleteno announcement doesn't mean no RCI for this state.. I'm sure Najib is aware with the problem we are faced now.. maybe he still need to discuss some matter about the setting up of RCI before official statement can be made..
ReplyDeleteI really hope that the PM will not delay in giving his official announcement regarding the RCI.
ReplyDeleteRCI must be held before election comes so that the election will held with fair and clean.
DeleteKami tunggu PM untuk membuat pengumuman terhadap penubuhan RCI. Rasa PM ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan masalah RCI.
ReplyDeleteSehingga kini tiadakan tindakan yang diambil selain khabar angin yang belum disahkan.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Sabah harus ikhlas dan berjuang demi rakyat di Sabah. Kenapa berdiam diri sahaja?
ReplyDeleteSemoga BN bertindak bijak kali ini untuk menubuhkan RCI.
ReplyDeleteMengenai RCI rasanya kerajaan persekutuan akan melaksanakan selepas perbincangan antara kabinet selesai.
ReplyDeletePihak pembangkang pun patut berhenti membuat spekulasi tentang pengumuman ini. Bukan dapat ubah apa2 juga pun.