INSPECTING..... Edward, Stephen and Allem inspecting the Sepanggar roundabout.
THE ROUND about at the junction of Jalan Sepanggar turning into the Kota Kinabalu Polytechnic is a killer round about and is a dead trap waiting for cars to plunge in.
This is the place where many cars and lorry had run into and sustained heavy damages and injuries to the drivers. There are still fresh mark of the previous accidents and debris of vehicles left on the ground after the heavy impact.
The Sabah DAP Inanam office received the complaint and Edward Ewol Mujie with his assistant Stephen Yarman together with the Sabah DAP Complaint Bureau Chief Allem Chieng went to check on the location.
It is obvious that the drivers couldn’t have seen the curve road of the roundabout especially at night where there is no street light and there is no warning sign on the round about. Therefore, many drivers had driven right on to the roundabout and got hurt.
Edward said he was told that this situation was like this for a long time and JKR did not do anything to put right and make good. They just let accidents to happen and allow live lost. There were many accident reports because of accident caused by roundabout which are not properly marked with direction signage, reflectors, lights, and warning sign.
This particular roundabout seems bad enough because there is no warning signage, no street lights and you would not be able to see there is a roundabout there at night.
Who is to be blamed when a car went straight into the roundabout and serious damaged with its driver hurt? Is it the driver’s fault, his mistake or rather the JKR negligence which caused the accident?
Edward urges JKR to come immediately to rebuild this roundabout to the required highway specification and quality in order to save lives and to stop accident. We can not afford to have fatal accident happening everyway in our city due to some negligence of government departments.
Besides, there are many accidents caused by other roundabouts in the KK City and JKR must pay attention to rectify the situation to avoid accidents occurring. The design and the sitting of the roundabouts are very important, and a slightly out of alignment can cause the speeding cars to overturn or tilted one side. Most of the accidents are because the drivers did not notice the roundabout.
Saya rasa DAP paling sesuai memasuki JKR kerana selalu mencari masalah yang dihadapi berkaitan jalan raya dan tepi jalan. Pasti tugas JKR akan bertambah baik jika DAP mengikuti operasi mereka.
ReplyDeleteHarap masalah yang dibangkitkan pasal roundabout ini akan diberikan perhatian oleh pihak JKR. Pastikan isu tersebut ditangani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the relevant authorities will look into this matter.
ReplyDeleteThis death trap needs to be rectify as soon as possible.
ReplyDeletebgs jg DAP ni.. main peranan dalam membantu kerajaan mengenal pasti masalah di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteharap2 lepas ni ada tindakan segera untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sudah dihighlight oleh DAP.
DeleteSetiap pemandu harus memandu dengan berhati-hati
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih dengan info dan aduan dari DAP ini kerana mungkin akan dapat membantu serba sedikit memaklumkan kepada pihak berkuasa.
ReplyDeletekalau kenderaan yang melalui jalan itu diandu laju, walaupun lampu jalan disedikan serta papan tanda, kemalangan tetap akan berlaku..
ReplyDeletesaya nasihatkan kepada orang2 luar yang tidak biasa atau pertama kali datang ke KK, berhati2 la ketika memandu di sekitar bandaraya kota kinabalu ini.. dan pihak yang berkenaan juga perlu mengambil langkah2 pencegahan sebelum lebih banyak kemalangan berlaku..
ReplyDeleteUtamakan keselamatan ketika berada di jalan raya. JKR kena ambil tindakan segeran.