IN RESPOND to Johnny Mositun's statement over the above issue, i would say that Joseph Pairin Kitingan just cannot hide behind the cultural nature of KDCA and use this as an excuse to remain mute in the wake of the onslaught on KDM's native customary lands.
Pairin cannot completely detach himself from this issue given his position as the Deputy Chief Minister of the very government which bent on destroying the NCR of the KDMs whose native ethnic he himself belong to.
Pairin cannot turn a blind eye on the fact that being a President of KDCA he has a moral duty to protect and safeguard the rights of his people from being unjustly treated in their very own land.
Speaking up against injustices should never be treated as politicising the matter.
If bodies like PACOS, the Kadazan Society, Sabah Law Association, PUSAKA and others can express their dismay on the AG's pronouncement on NCR land issue and no one call it as an act of politicising, then why commenting on the silence of Pairin and KDCA on this very important matter can attract the unwarranted attack by a person like Mositun?
If Dompok, Maximus and other politicians did comment on this issue and Mositun did not lift a finger to attack them then why my comment attracted his dear attention?
If KDCA , a body claimed by Mositun as purely cultural can embark on a business venture like setting up of Koperasi Koisaan Bhd, there is no reason KDCA cannot even comment on the eminent elimination of the life-line of the KDM people, that is LANDS.
Yes, i did in fact bark at the right tree. And the tree is Pairin or KDCA. His silence on the matter is a moral abhorance to his people.
Pairin Kitingan perlulah membuat kenyataan mengenai pendirian beliau dalam isu Status NCR ini.
ReplyDeletePairin sebagai Huguan siou harus menyatakan pendiriannya mengenai isu ini.
DeleteMasalah tanah harus diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
DeleteI don't think he's silent whatsoever.
DeleteCM Musa Aman sedang berbincang dengan kabinet pasal isu NCR ini, mungkin setelah mereka mendapat keputusan isu ini akan dijelaskan.
ReplyDeleteya.. isu NCR kini dah dibawa ke kabinet, kita tunggu ja hasilnya.
Deletebukankah PBS sudah menunjukkan pendirian mereka melalui kenyataan Setiausaha Agung nya, Datuk Henrynus Amin bahawa semua aggota PBS menyokong penuh penubuhan Tribunal Tanah?? secara tidak langsung, sokongan terhadap Tribunal Tanah ini juga menunjukkan pendirian mereka dalam mempertahankan tanah NCR di negeri ini..
ReplyDeletedalam kenyataan Henrinus;
ReplyDelete"PBS amat menyedari dan bersimpati dengan banyak kes pertikaian tanah yang tidak dapat diselesaikan antara penduduk kampung dengan syarikat-syarikat besar."
bukankah kenyataan ini cukup untuk menjelaskan pendirian mereka berhubung dengan tanah NCR??
PBS snetiasa akan membantu rakyat sabah.
Deletebagaimana pula dengan Anwar yang berhasrat mahu menjadi PM?? adakah beliau telah menjelaskan pendirian beliau berhubung dengan isu ini?? atau membuat kenyataan tidak bersetuju terhadap pandangan Roderic??
ReplyDeleteAny news from the cabinets?
ReplyDeleteNothing has coming out yet.
DeleteWhat about the Tribunal? Hope its work well to help the people.
ReplyDeleteGovernment is aware and concerned and open to listen to problems faced by the people that involves the natives
DeleteJoseph will help Sabahan in problem. related to NCR that government will take action to solve it.
ReplyDeleteHe will.
Deletenatives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached.
ReplyDeleteWhether Pairin makes a statement or not, the opposition will always try to speculate the issue. Grow up.