THE BROKEN concrete slab of a walkway over a wide drain next to the Tanjong Aru Beach Hotel has become the focus of tourist complaint lately. The complaint reached the Sabah DAP complaint bureau recently from some tourists who are staying in the hotel. The DAP complaint bureau Chief Allem Chieng happens to be there when the tourist complained directly to him.
The broken slab is dangerous to pedestrian and it is even more so at night because there is no lighting in the area. The single piece of narrow plank placed temporary for the people to cross would not hold the weight of a heavy person. The rusty steel bars look very scary. If some one fell into the drain, he might be hurt severely by the steel bars. There was a case where a boy fell off the narrow plank, but luckily he wasn’t hurt.
Allem urges the authorities to come immediately to repair the broken slab before some one is seriously hurt. This repair would not need million ringgits to make good, but we want to see immediate action.
There are many other things that need the attention and action from the authorities. The Tanjong Aru Beach is a famous tourist area, but now even the locals do not want to visit. The Sabah Tourism Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun should do something and not keeping quiet, and pretend that he didn’t know.
Saya nampak gambar di atas pun rasa bahaya, apa lagi untuk mereka yang terpaksa melangkah longkang ini setiap hari. Harap pihak berkuasa akan menyelesaikan kerosakan ini secepat mungkin.
ReplyDeleteTanjung Aru adalah satu tarikan pelancongan yang terkenal di Sabah, perlulah memberi perhatian terhadap persekitaran di sana.
ReplyDeletekeadaan itu pasti mencemarkan nama Tanjung Aru.
Deletesangat merbahaya, jika salah langkah pasti cedera, ia perlu diperbaiki segera.
ReplyDeletesangat2 bahaya. pihak yang berkenaan harus segera memperbaiki kerosakan tu untuk keselamatan para pengunjung yang datang.
ReplyDeletePasti ramai pelancong dari luar dan dalam negara datang ke Tanjung Aru. Keadaan tu amat memberi kesan kepada imej Sabah. Tindakan segera harus diambil.
ReplyDeleterasanya laluan ni masih ditutup sebab belum siap tapi sudah pula digunakan oleh para pengunjung.
Deletebukankah ini masih dalam proses pembinaan??
ReplyDeleteIni masih dalam perlaksanan dan pembaharui jambatan yang rosak.
ReplyDeletesiapa yang pasang tali merah di kiri kanan jambatan kecil itu?? jika pihak kerajaan, bermakna masalah ini sedang dalam perhatian mereka..
ReplyDeleteMustahil juga jika masalah ini dibiarkan berlarutan. Rasanya usaha untuk membaik pulih sedang dilakukan tapi ada pihak yang mungkin tidak mengetahuinya.