FOR A DISABLED woman to be carted in a wheelbarrow to get the Government's RM500 Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) aid in Semporna is indeed degrading.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) KK Division Chief, Christina Liew, said she was shocked to see the picture of a woman being wheeled in a wheelbarrow, published on the front page of the Daily Express on Wednesday.
"What a shame and loss of human dignity! Would other women fancy being in the shoes of the poor lady?
Women leaders in Sabah have talked so much about raising women's self-esteem but sadly, the reverse has been done.
"Being disabled does not warrant such treatment on the basis of equality. We have wittingly or unwittingly devalued a woman's worth. This should not have happened," she said in a statement.
While commending the men (in the picture) for their chivalrous act, Liew said it was, however, devoid of decency and dignity.
"Surely, there is a more presentable way of ferrying the disabled lady. Why can't the elected representative concerned (Datuk Nasir Sakaran) or relevant authority arrange for the RM500 aid to be delivered to her at her home, instead of subjecting her to indignity and inconvenience?" she asked.
Daily Express had also received numerous text messages from women readers, expressing their sadness and disgust.
One such text read: "I am sure the Government could think of a better way or procedure for the disabled persons (OKUs) category. I am sad to see the disabled woman losing her dignity."
Another text stated that OKUs have a right to decent treatment as we are all equal under the law.
Perhaps the representatives are unaware that there are disabled applicants for the RM500 aids. I do agree that there should be a better way to distribute the aids for the OKU category instead of having them to queue up and wait like others.
ReplyDeleteHowever it is still difficult for the elderly and disabled if the vouchers are delivered to their homes, their presence are still needed when exchanging their vouchers for cash in the banks.
ReplyDeleteChristina Liew fail to see that not only that this poor lady is disable, but also financially incapable to purchase a wheel chair.
ReplyDeleteHer statement regarding this matter projected her own arrogance and fail to see the plight of this poor unfortunate woman. Shame on her!
ReplyDeletebegitu byk lagi mereka yang hidup susah, bantuan RM500 walaupun tidak mencukupi, harap ia sedikit sebanyak dpt kurangkan beban mereka.
ReplyDeleteagencies responsible for the BR1M in the state, to not keep the recipients waiting unnecessarily during the distribution ceremony.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister knows about the people’s “economic illness” and he acts to address it
ReplyDeleteBukan sana juga ada perlumbaan menggunakan kereta surung kah? Macam saja pernah dengar. Tapi tidak tahu apa nama pesta itu.
ReplyDeletesamada penggunaan kereta sorong itu boleh menjatuhkan maruah atau tidak, terpulanglah dengan orang yang melihatnya.. bagi saya, apa yang terlintas difikiran saya sebaik melihat gambar diatas ialah, sesungguhnya warga emas ini amat memerlukan bantuan kerusi roda..
ReplyDeleteMungkin juga perlu disediakan kerusi roda kepada mereka yang kurang upaya semasa menunggu giliran mengambil voucher BR1M.
Deletesaya harap selepas tersiarnya gambar ini, pihak kerajaan dapat memberikan bantuan kerusi roda kepada wanita ini..