SABAH DAP questioned the rational of the BN Government for taking such a drastic action to stop all allocations for rural and basic infrastructure development projects that are affecting the rural communities in the Interior.
Already that the road and building infrastructure and other basic infrastructure are lacking and public amenities are inadequate in the interior districts but now the worst is to come with the problems that remain unresolved by the present Government.
The people are now in a dilemma and have lost much hopes in getting allocations to enable rural infrastructure projects to improve their standard of living as promised by the Government. Many rural people told Sabah DAP mobile services unit of their grievances and confusion as to why the Government acted in such a way as to stop rural infrastructure development that would benefit the rural communities.
They complained that the huge allocation of Billion Ringgit fund meant for rural development in the 9th Malaysian Plan , and the Federal Government has announced the Billion of Ringgit budget for rural development seemed only a dream but the failure to achieve the objectives have never been materialized after the BN Government won the last General Election.
Sabah DAP in response to the Sabah Development Officer, Hj Matusin Sunsang’s press statement in the Daily Express Saturday, August 21, 2010 quoted “SDO does not provide for all kinds of allocations anymore, such as rural or basic infrastructure development projects, among others,” he said.
“This is what the rural people feel bad about as they have high hopes for the basic infrastructure development in the rural areas that are lacking and in bad shape,” commented Dr. Benjamin Yapp, Sabah DAP Parliamentary Liaison Chief for Keningau and Tenom.
He and his team of Mobile service volunteers met the local communities who complained about the bad road conditions, no basic infrastructure facilities in many rural areas but yet the Government now declared that the rural and basic infrastructure development projects are frozen or reduced as the rural people expected that the Billion of Ringgit of allocation for rural infrastructure development would improve the socio-economy of the rural communities.
Sabah DAP urged the Government NOT to stop giving priority to rural infrastructure development projects that would benefit the rural people.
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