Friday, 17 February 2012



WE must vote for CHANGE to get rid of people who are corrupted, abused of power, greedy, practice cronyism and double standards, make empty and false promises, use power and position to award mega projects to own companies, divert peoples’ funds from organizations for their own selfish ideas and projects to benifit themself.

As you would have known from past experiences and records, you will notice that the same few old politicians are trying to come back disguised under a different umbrella or political parties hoping to come back, grab power and run the government. These already proven 'dirty' people must not be given another chance, mandate or seat to come back as “old habits die hard”! You would have known their styles and habits and therefore you must think carefully when voting for them.

These groups of politicians are now campaigning very hard for the people to put them back to be elected as the peoples’ representative at the Pilihan Raya Umum 13 (PRU13). So, beware of “wolves dress in sheep skin” and vote wisely don’t be fooled again. PRU13 is a very critical phase in the Malaysian history.

For many voters who have lived through the 49 years of Malaysia, and the government always told us that Malaysia is outstanding and with great achievement. For the simple Malaysian layman, there is no need to analyze via macro or micro economics.

Just look at the Malaysian Ringgit versus Brunei/Singapore Dollar in exchange rate. In 1978, RM1 equals B/S$1. Today, RM1 equals B/S$0.40 or B/S$1 equals RM2.47. Brunei or Singapore has no foreign debt whilst Malaysian foreign debt runs into hundreds billions of USD.

Our country manufactures and produces so many products, very rich in natural resources and is agricultural base. Brunei and Singapore imports lots and lots of things from us because they do not produce many things. They pay for the products we export to them. Why is it that they have no foreign debt?

In 1963, Brunei didn't join Malaysia, and later Singapore left Malaysia in 1965. Perhaps Brunei and Singapore would be like us today had they been part of the Malaysian states. If Sabah and Sarawak had followed the footsteps of Brunei and Singapore, what would the economic situation of Malaya be like then and now?

So, think wisely, my friends, who will you elect to be the 'managers' to manage the next Malaysian government after the PRU13? At present, with the funds Malaysia has, the 'managers' are running our 'company' (Malaysia) at a loss for the last 49 years and continue to report losses. Do you want to keep employing these managers and then bankrupt the company? Or are you ready to 'CHANGE' these bad managers?


  1. Hope that the people will think wisely and vote the best party that can lead the state towards development.

    1. Betul, undilah dengan bijaksana bila PRU-13 nanti demi masa-depan rakyat dan negeri Sabah.

    2. Masa depan generasi muda berada di tangan semua rakyat.

  2. We cannot keep dwelling in the past, there is no using thinking of the 'what ifs', however the future is still in our control, we can still do something about it.

    1. Setuju. Jadi gunakan kuasa undi yang ada kerana keputusan yang dibuat bakal mennetukan masa depan kita dan juga generasi hadapan.

    2. keputusan kita menentukan nasib kita pada masa hadapan.

    3. Apa yang sudah berlalu, biarlah ia berlalu. Tiada gunanya kita terus mempertikaikannya.

    4. yang penting sekarang buat perubahan dan terus maju ke depan. kesilapan masa lalu jadikan pengajaran.

  3. The problem now we are facing who is/are capable of running the government of Sabah ?As you have mentioned earlier "All are the leaders are "recycled" somehow ??!!

    1. walaupun pemimpin 'recycle' kalau performance dia bagus tidak akan jadi masalah.

  4. I'm sure that there are leaders in the opposition parties that are corrupted.

  5. When election comes, everyone should vote wisely. Don't simply vote just for the sake of voting but for our future generation.

    1. Fikir dulu sebelum undi. Jangan kemudian hari baru cakap tak puas hati!

  6. "WE must vote for CHANGE to get rid of people who are corrupted, abused of power, greedy, practice cronyism and double standards, make empty and false promises, use power and position to award mega projects to own companies, divert peoples’ funds from organizations for their own selfish ideas and projects to benifit themself."

    Mari kita sahut seruan penulis ini :)

  7. Ramai yang cakap tak suka parti itu lah ini lah, tapi kalau semua pun kita tak suka rasanya siapakah yang layak utk dapat undi rakyat next GE nanti???

    1. kena buat pilihan terbaik semasa mengundi.

  8. Persoalan itu harus dijawap oleh setiap individu secara matang sebelum memangkah mana-mana calon:)

  9. Harap rakyat sendiri akan matang menilai parti yang terbaik untuk mereka bila PRU-13, jangan mudah terpengaruh oleh orang luar.

  10. Sabah tidak harus sebegini sebenarnya? Dengan sumber alam yang banyak, Sabah harus lebih berkembang.

    1. apa yang diperlukan sekarang ialah pemimpin perlu memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah supaya Sabah akan terus maju ke depan, bukannya semakin mundur.

  11. Calon yang berbakat dan berkebolehan harus dicolonkan.

  12. Rakyat harus pandai menilai dan sanggup membuat perubahan, jika tidak, ini juga rupa Sabah di masa akan datang.

  13. BN masih kuat, jika BN sanggup membaiki kelemahan, pasti membawa Sabah ke peringkat yang lebih maju.

  14. Rakyat harus sedar dan menilai dengan betul siapakah calon yang boleh membawa perubahan.

  15. BN harus mengkaji strategi baru untuk menghadapi saingan giat dari pembangkang.

  16. calon baru harus dilantik untuk membawa azam dan harapan baru.

  17. Its time to change for the better future. Government also has needed to change also.

  18. PRu harus dijalankan dengan lebih terbuka dan bersih.

    1. harap penambahbaikan yang dibuat untuk pilihanraya dapat melancarkan lagi PRU-13 nanti.

  19. Selagi kerajaan serius membangunkan ekonomi Negara selagi itulah rakyat akan terus memberikan sokongan kepada kerajaan.

  20. Semua itu akan ditentukan pada PRU akan datang. Adakah kerajaan masih relevan atau tidak untuk memerintah.

  21. Pastikan calon yang akan diletakkan dapat diterima sebaiknya oleh penduduk. Kerana calon juga memainkan peranan yang penting untuk meraih sokongan penduduk.

  22. saya tertarik dengan kenyataan tentang negara Singapura dan Brunei yang disebut dalam artikel ni. mereka boleh hidup tanpa hutang dengan negara luar. tapi tidak hairan jugalah kalau Malaysia sebab negara pun luas dan banyak kawasan yang perlu dibangunkan.

    1. Jangan amalkan hutang. hutang memang susah untuk dibayar.

  23. sememangnya kami perlukan perubahan.. tapi bukan perubahan yang memerlukan kita memberikan sokongan kepada pemimpin2 yang sudah pernah berada dalam kerajaan atau yang pernah menduduki jawatan penting di negara ini..

  24. sehingga sekarang ini, saya masih belum melihat mana2 parti politik di negara ini yang mampu meletakkan negara ini setanding dengan negara2 maju yang lain..

    1. Mungkin 1 hari nanti akan ada pemimpin yang seperti tu.

    2. Jika masalah rasuah boleh diminimakan, tentu keadaan jauh berbeza.

  25. Pemimpin perlulah memahami bahawa mereka adalah pemikul amanah kerajaan untuk membantu dan menjaga kepentingan rakyat

  26. Perubahan adalah penting untuk masa depan.

  27. Yes we need a change but not everybody will really change, especially the politicians. They have the similar tendency and that is corruption.
