Friday 24 May 2013


NATIONAL DAPSY Publicity Secretary Junz Wong urged every patriotic young Malaysians to gear up for election now! Start by getting our families, colleagues and friends to register as voters now.

"Don't wait till last minute to register and miss the opportunity to exercise ur rights to change the government," Junz said. 

"Our targeted youth are between the 17 - 21 years old because they will reach the eligible age of 21years old to vote in 4-5 years time. There will be at least another 3million more new young first-time voters," Junz explained.

"Furthermore the unregistered eligible voters of estimated 3million who missed their chance to vote in last GE13, we are looking at another new 6million voters in GE14. These groups of voters shall determine whether there will be a change of government in GE14," Junz elaborated.

Junz Wong, who is also Sabah ADUN N14 Likas Elected Representative said many argued BN would legalize more foreign workers to become voters and win again in similar style.

Junz's argument was there is only small number of foreign workers left to be legalized anymore because BN has legalized most through 5P 6P programs!

The foreign workers who came over whether legally or illegally, aimed to earn a better living in Sabah or Malaysia but there is hardly decent working opportunities left anymore while existing legalized workers have taken up most jobs available.

A lot of Indonesian workers even some Philippines workers are leaving Sabah, Malaysia back to their homelands for better job opportunities.

"Thus these 6 million new first time voters will be very crucial in next coming election," Junz concluded.


  1. Semua pihak khususnya pemimpin dan penyokong pakatan pembangkang perlu menghormati dan menerima keputusan yang rakyat telah memilih Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk mentadbir negara dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13.

  2. Sehubungan itu, Presiden Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia (PKMM), Datuk Mokhtar Samad meminta supaya pembangkang menghentikan segala perhimpunan serta provokasi berhubung kemenangan BN itu dan bersama-sama membangunkan negara.

  3. Tegas beliau, keamanan dan kemakmuran ekonomi yang dinikmati sekarang adalah hasil kebijaksanaan kerajaan memerintah sejak merdeka lagi dan sudah tentu rakyat tidak mahu kehilangannya hanya kerana beberapa individu yang tamakkan kuasa.

  4. "Sebagai bangsa yang bertamadun, rakyat Malaysia perlu rasional dan matang dalam memikirkan mana yang baik untuk dituruti atau sebaliknya.

    "Jika kita terus mengikut pihak yang kecewa dengan keputusan pilihan raya lalu dan cuba menimbulkan keadaan huru-hara, sudah pasti akan merugikan semua pihak khususnya rakyat," katanya.

  5. GE14 will be held in 5 years time again.

  6. Jangan la gelojoh sangat nanti tercekik.

  7. Smug from having won just over 51% of the popular votes in the recent general election, Pakatan Rakyat is re-aligning its strategy and focusing on Borneo.

  8. Lagipun kami semua mood Kaamatan ba sekarang

  9. Jangan la kasi rosak kan.

  10. The State Economic Planning Unit refuted allegations made by DAP Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu that RM10.9 billion of federal development funds approved for Sabah under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) was not spent.

  11. Hiew should check his facts and figures carefully before making such statement. Such unfounded allegation is misleading

  12. the total development allocation approved for Sabah by the federal government during the Ninth Malaysia Plan was in fact RM19.8 billion. This amount was for a total of 3,193 projects.

  13. Out of the total amount approved, 89 per cent or RM17.69 billion was spent by the end of the Ninth Malaysia Plan period

  14. out of the total projects approved, 2,511 projects (or 78.64 per cent) were successfully implemented and completed, 678 projects were still in progress by the end of the plan period and carried over to the 10th Malaysia Plan

  15. laysia Foundation trustee Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye yesterday called on all Malaysians to continue fostering inter-racial harmony, integration and unity which are vital ingredients for the success of our multi-racial nation.

  16. “The general election is now all over. The voters have expressed their wishes though the ballot box which must be respected by all. Important lessons have to be learnt from the concluded general election.

  17. “The nation has to come together and move on. This is not the time for more bickering, provocation and divisiveness which will make the country more polarized,” he said.

  18. Lee added the Prime Minister had heard and seen the election results. He should be given an opportunity to do what needs to be done to build a better Malaysia for all. The GE13 outcome should not be looked at from a racial perspective.

  19. “I am glad to note that so much interest has been generated and that several national leaders and eminent personalities, including the NGOs and concerned Malaysians, have spoken up on the subject of unity.

  20. “This is as it should be. There is no subject more important and crucial than unity which is the key to the success of our multi-racial nation,” he said.

  21. At a time when racial and religious strife is a major problem besetting many other countries, Lee stressed that it is imperative that all Malaysians irrespective of race must co-exist in harmony and unity.

  22. According to him, unity is indeed an invaluable gift and it must never be taken for granted. It has to be zealously guarded, protected and preserved.

    Every Malaysian should be fully committed to harmony and unity and relentless efforts must be made to promote a culture of peace, harmony and unity.

    Unity, peace and harmony are much needed commodities in every part of the world and Malaysia is no exception.

  23. But to ensure harmony and unity in Malaysia, we need more inter and intra-racial activities to promote greater interaction among the various ethnic groups at the grassroots level more so after GE13.

    Much has been said but at the end of the day much remains to be done to enhance, sustain and encourage close bonding among Malaysians of diverse races. It is a continuous process and must be given the highest priority.

  24. It is for this reason that I have made the call for the setting up of a National Unity Consultative Council to discuss ways and means on how we should bring the nation together, break down the racial divide, address the issue of racial polarization and help promote integration and national unity,” said Lee.

  25. kini semua parti akan lebih usaha dalam menghadapi PRU 14 nnti
