Saturday 17 March 2012


YOUNG people should save and not spend more than they earn in order to ensure they are financially stable in the future.

In view of the modern way of life, consumers and Human Rights activist, Datuk Patrick Sindu said youths seem to be spending a lot on their hard earn money on items or services to suit their urban and kampong lifestyle.

“Youths should manage their income properly. I see the young people nowadays have credit card and sometimes they have more than one card.”

“They feel that they have the purchasing power and they buy expensive items such as hand phones and branded items.”

“They have more than one hand phones and sometimes even 5 and every time there is a new hand phone in the store, they feel the need to upgrade their phone and same goes to other things.”

“But at the end of the day, if they can’t manage their finance, they will end up a bankrupt !”.

Sindu gave a talk to the Belia. The Belia worries about managing their finances in conjunction with the 'World Consumer Rights Day' today at Dewan Belia Pekan Telupid attended by about 500 youths from Telupid, Beluran and Tongod.

He also said that young people nowadays who spend more that what they earn will end up having financial problems”!

“Youths not only have credit cards but some of them apply for personal loans as well. In Malaysia, about 80,000 people have been declared bankrupt because they can’t settle their credit cards and loans.”

“As today is 'World Consumer Rights Day', I strongly urge and advise youths in Sabah/Labuan to manage their life spending. We don”t know how the economy will turns out. In today’s world, if you have RM100.00 it is just equal to RM10.00 only.”

“Therefore, I suggest that the Domestic Trade, Co-orperative and Consumers Ministry must come with a 'Consumers’ Credit Act' where all financial services for consumers are placed under one Act”. The government should really control all advertisements, as young people are easily influenced by what they see and heard.

People are easily attracted to the advertisements and I think the government should really look into this seriously and control it because it manipulates the mind of the young people


  1. Wise financial management should be practiced since young so that they can enjoy financial stability in the future.

    1. Perlu di beri kesedaran daripada sekolah lagi apa kebaikannya menyimpan duit, jadi boleh di jadikan amalan.

    2. peranan ibu bapa penting dalam mendidik anak-anak menyimpan duit.

  2. Many young people end up bankrupt due to bag financial management, some spend beyond their financial capabilities and end up raking up debts at early age.

    1. kegagalan mengurus kewangan dengan baik akan menyusahkan seseorang individu itu sendiri.

  3. Lebih baik berjimat cermat dan menabung/menyimpan. sikap boros harus dikikis.

    1. setuju, sikap boros harus dikikis, rancanglah perbelanjaan dengan sebaiknya.

  4. Pandai menguntung, kena juga pandai menyimpan.

  5. The youth needed to learn proper finance control behavior.

  6. The consume has need to spend wisely.

  7. Banyak belia masih banyak berhutang khas kad kredit.

  8. The youth have lacking of awareness. They just spend unnecessary.

  9. kita perlu bijak dalam menguruskan kewangan.

  10. Bijak dalam mengawal kewangan,itu yang paling penting.

    1. individu perlu tahu membezakan keperluan dan keinginan ketika berbelanja..

  11. Setiap individu perlulah bijak menguruskan kewangan sendiri bagi mengelak terus berhutang.

  12. Duit banyak kalau tidak pandai urus dengan baik susah juga. Maka belajarlah untuk berjimat cermat.

  13. uruslah kewangan dengan sebaiknya bersesuaian dengan kemampuan dan keperluan dan jangan membazir.

  14. kadang2 belia2 muda berfikiran singkat dalam berbelanja.. nafsu bermewah tu lebih tinggi dari kemampuan kewangan.. bila sedar duit tidak cukup, dia buat lagi pinjaman di bank.. besok2 jatuh bankrap..
