The Department of Environment (DOE) has rejected the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) for the controversial proposed 300MW coal-fired power plant at Sinakut, Dent Peninsular.
Sabah Environment Protection Department Director, Yabi Yangkat, said he was informed of the decision by the Director-General of DOE through a faxed message Wednesday afternoon.
A central reason DOE cited for rejecting the DEIA, prepared by a team of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Bakarunding consultants, was many important environmental parameters in respect to the proposed project were not addressed in the DEIA report, according to Yabi.
He said the DOE took note of the range of shortcomings and queries raised at the DEIA Panel of Review meeting on August 27 at the Kedah Room, Federal Building, here.
Present at the meeting were Yabi himself, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Datuk Susannah Liau, representatives of other State agencies such as Dr Laurentius Ambu (Director of Wildlife Department) and his senior staff, senior Fisheries Department officers, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Assistant Director of Town and Regional Planning, Eleanor Wong, Ports and Harbour, Lahad Datu District Office, DOE Sabah officers, Omar Kadir of Malaysian Nature Society, WWF-Malaysia representatives, primatologist Dr Marc Acrenaz of Hutan, Sabah Environmental Protection Association (Sepa) President Wong Tack, Charles Chow and Gary Yap of Sepa Sandakan and Tawau, in addition to a slew of UKM Bakarunding consultant members and Lahad Datu Energy senior managers.
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