Friday 27 April 2012


MUSA Aman tells of the Prime Minister’s success in three short years. They came by the thousands and by word of mouth. And they listened attentively to Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman talk of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s success in governing Malaysia since he took office three years ago.

Village Chiefs And Community Leaders, said Musa, are still important 'eyes and ears' of the government despite the speed and reach of the internet in delivering information to the people.

“There are still those who do not get their news through radio, television and the newspapers,” he told a meeting with them in Kudat, 131km (82 miles) northeast of Kota Kinabalu, on April 25.

Musa said community leaders have a duty to inform and explain to the people of all the good that the Barisan Nasional (National Front) government has done for them.

He was all praise for Najib, saying that he has been managing Malaysia well through his 'people first' socio-economic programmes. These include the ever popular 1Malaysia clinics that offer good medical treatment at very low fees, low-price groceries and meals, financial help to the poor, free computers and book subsidies to students.

Najib is on track to make 28m Malaysians high income earners by 2020 with his massive 1.4-trillion ringgit ($458m) economic transformation programme, according to Musa. By then the average Malaysian will have an income of 48,000 ringgit against 23,700 ringgit now.

Sabah gets more than a billion ringgit every year from the federal government for its socio-economic development. The money is spent on improving education, health, agriculture, security and village life. (Insight Sabah)


  1. Replies
    1. bnyk tranformasi dilakukan oleh najib.

    2. One aim the ETP seeks to achieve is to help Malaysia break out of the middle income trap that has hitherto confined it to a manufacturing-based economy dependent on cheap and semi skilled labour. The aim is to turn it into a high technology and modern services based economy that requires professionally qualified and occupationally skilled manpower that commands high salaries and wages and, of course, higher efficiency

  2. Banyak perubahan yang dibawa oleh Najib dalam tempoh tiga tahun pemerintahan beliau. Slogan 1Malaysia memang wajar disematkan dalam diri setiap rakyat.

    1. Dengar2 biasiswa 1Malaysia pun ada sudah.betul ka tu?

  3. Semoga Datuk Najib akan memberikan yang terbaik dalam pentadbiran beliau kepada rakyat dan juga Negara.

    1. ketika beliau melakukan nyang terbaik, disitu jugalah pembangkang melakukan pelbagai cara untuk mencemarkan pentadbiran beliau sekaligus menjatuhkan kerajaan pimpinan beliau..

  4. walaupun baru 3 tahun mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri, namun Najib telah banyak melakukan perubahan yang tidak berani dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 terdahulu..

  5. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's popularity rating has been rising steadily since 2009, according to a poll conducted by the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).

  6. The study on the popularity of five Malaysian leaders, conducted by IIUM's Media and Election Studies Unit, also found that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had very much maintained his popularity since leaving office in 2003.

  7. Three other personalities in leadership roles -- Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Pas spiritual adviser and Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng -- saw their popularity decline considerably.

  8. Datuk Prof Syed Arabi Idid of IIUM's Communications Studies Department led the study, from March 2008 to July 2011, with his research coordinator Azrul Hisyam Wakichan.

  9. An average sample of 1,500 respondents -- Malay, Chinese and Indian registered voters -- were asked how satisfied they were with the leadership qualities of the five leaders.

  10. Syed Arabi attributed Najib's improved rating to his consistent effort to touch base with the people and steer the country to a promising future.

  11. The study clearly indicated that Malays, Chinese and Indians now found Najib favourable, he said.

  12. In October 2008, 35 per cent of the Malay, 33 per cent of the Chinese and 41 per cent of the Indian respondents noted that they were satisfied or very satisfied with Najib, but by July 2011, their approval increased to 59 per cent, 45 per cent and 62 per cent, respectively, he said.

  13. In a nutshell, people are finding Najib more acceptable now as their leader: as stated by Syed Arabi who has been conducting studies on the popularity of political personalities since 1989.

  14. On the flagging popularity of Anwar, Nik Aziz and Guan Eng, he said it was probably contributed by current issues and their failure to achieve a common ground in many issues.

  15. Azrul, who coordinated the study, said Malaysians still held in high esteem Dr Mahathir and his legacy.

  16. An average of 74 per cent of the respondents polled were in favour of Dr Mahathir throughout the four-year study period, he said.

  17. He noted that Malaysians saw Dr Mahathir as a proven leader and a man who still spoke his mind without fear or favour.

  18. Even after retiring as a private citizen, the people of Malaysia still see him (Mahathir) as an exemplary leader.
