YOU CAN call it Chinese
Tsunami, Chinese Swing, or Urban Swing what the difference, it just a choice of
word and they all carry the same meaning. Different people have different
analysis of the outcome of the 13th General Elections.
Certainly, not a deluge of
biblical proportion by any measure of your imagination, but still a Chinese
swing that still unable to sink BN's mighty ship. Anwar refused to accept the
verdict and played up electoral frauds, accusing Najib of impropriety.
Here, another political
buff, one Dr Samsul Amri Baharuddin,
says it was an 'Urban Swing' kind of thing.......closer to home but not
exactly close enough.
I would like to call it the 'Phenomenal
Chinese Swing' if using the word 'tsunami' sound politically incorrect to some
I have always thought the
Chinese are more open-minded than the Malays and are not easily rattled by such
exploitation of word, but it is elections season and exploiting anything and
everything has its benefits.
Why Pakatan Rakyat failed to
capture Putrajaya?
Was it the phantom voters,
money politics, vote buying and all the allegations of electoral frauds?
NO! Not exactly.
If the people want to
change, no amount of cheating can stop them.
In 1985 when the mighty
BERJAYA under Harris Salleh with all its resources and money was challenged by
newbie PBS led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who was sacked by Harris from
BERJAYA, every political pundits predicted huge victory for Harris and the
I remember Harris even put
up a huge scoreboard in the compound of his house showing BERJAYA collecting 47
seats and PBS 1 seat. Only Joseph Pairin will win in Tambunan.
It was a night of misery for
Harris and the BERJAYA boys, the final tally was 6 seats for his party and the
rest taken by PBS and its ally USNO. Harris lost to an unknown candidate, a
giant killer.
There were some tears shed
that fateful night as I saw a few of the boys openly crying of the unthinkable
loss and one of them had stood in the
recent elections in Sabah, but lost in both the parliamentary and state seats.
NO!..... PR lost not
entirely because of electoral frauds.
They lost because of Anwar
He was the one who caused PR
and himself to fail and now he is bloody sore and refused to accept defeat and
is going disturb the peace and harmony of this nation by inciting the people
not to respect the results of the general elections.
Why he failed?
Anwar is the biggest
exhibitionists this country have ever seen, to him everything must be grand,
imposing and must have scale of splendour and that he must outshines everyone.
He loves street protests and demonstrations and hates any form of dissension.
Cross his path and you are history. Many have swallowed the bitter pills and
left him without a fight.
He loves political
grandstanding, the very reason he chose the cities and ignore the kampongs. To
him it is not about winning for the people, it's all about winning for Anwar,
Anwar and Anwar. .
Did I not say the real
battles are in the kampongs.
Read my humble
prognosis "If You Want To Win This
Election, Take Care Of The Kampongs" and go figure out why Pakatan Rakyat
failed to takeover Putrajaya.
You don't have to crack your
head to make weighty analysis of why they failed the objective.
We all know Anwar is a very
smart man, a scholar of sort, fantastic orator, good communication skill and
highly intelligent much to his own detriment. He can smothered his intelligence
by falling in love with himself. He has no respect for the less educated and
have no time for rusticity preferring to bathe in the limelight of the big
His sheer arrogance is the
cause of his downfall and as I have said before this man will never be prime
minister no matter how hard he tries.
Chinese discontent against
the BN government has been brewing for a while and heightened by DAP well
organised propaganda machinery using the alternative media to reach out to the
Chinese community.
DAP had managed to pull the
carpet from under PAS and PKRs feet in many of its roadshow in the urban areas,
faithfully assisted by gullible PAS and PKR leaders, who want to share the
moment of glory with DAP, who can draw record crowd to its rally.
In the just concluded 13th
GE, DAP collected 38 seats compared to
28 seats it garnered in the 12th GE. PAS
and PKR seats reduced to 21 and 30 respectively.In 12th GE PAS obtained 23 and
PKR 31 seats.
PR has improved its
parliamentary seats from 82 in 2008 to 89 in 2013 and gathered much higher
popularity votes than BN, gathered 5.489 million votes as opposed to BN 5.220
Popularity votes had never
been the determining factor to form the government, our system is based on
"first past the post" system, which gives the party that collects the
first simple majority to form the government, same as the Westminster system in
U.K. and other Commonwealth countries.
Popular votes is not the
triggering mechanism in our system.
Anwar refused to accept the
verdict and played up electoral frauds accusing Najib of impropriety to salvage
his own embarrassment of shouting victory before the final countdown ends.
Najib did worse than Pak
Lah. BN scored badly in almost all Chinese majority seats throughout the
country, reflecting a massive rejection by the Chinese community and preference
for the opposition DAP. If you remove Sabah and Sarawak from the equation, or
if Sabah and Sarawak had performed badly, Najib would have lost the government.
DAP made further inroads
into Johor, Sarawak and Sabah, winning more seats in these states.
Johor, the BN fortress and
birthplace of UMNO came under heavy onslaught in PR first big foray into the
state. Lim Kit Siang calculated move to try invade the state was fruitful. Out
of 18 seats won by PR, 13 went to DAP, PAS 3 and PKR 1.
If anyone were to argue that
it was not the "Phenomenal Chinese Swing" that eroded this BN
fortress, the scrolled political pundits should immolate themselves, because
they are pretty useless in their predictions before the elections, none have
come close, except for the formidable and diminutive former Malaysian Minister
Of Finance Daim Zainuddin, who hits the nail on the head.
Still, don't believe it was
the "Phenomenal Chinese Swing" that changed the political landscape.
In the mother of all battles
in Gelang Patah, Johor, where DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang pooled 54,284 votes
against Johor strongman and ex-Menteri Besar Ghani Othman 39,522 votes the
story was even more telling of Chinese political awakening.
Gelang Patah has one of the
highest turnout of voters topping almost 90%. It's a stark reality from the
votes garnered by each individual that almost every Chinese voted for Lim and
every Malay for Ghani. Lim garnered 58% of the total votes cast, which was
slightly more than the total share of Chinese votes for the constituency.
Still don't believe it was
the Chinese swing that almost helped PR entry into Putrajaya, but spoiled by
Anwar's failure to recognise the importance of the rural constituencies in
Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.
In my hometown of Kota
Kinabalu all my Chinese relatives, close friends, acquaintances and people that
I know Chinese all voted for DAP.
In Sabah, PR won 11 state
seats. PKR took 7 seats and DAP 4 seats and also won 2 parliamentary seats.
Chinese candidates on BN tickets won by the skin of their teeth in Chinese
marginal areas and won mainly on bumiputra votes.
The story was the same
throughout the country.
The Chinese was once divided
in different political parties that left them without much political clout.
Both MCA and Gerakan are seen as lame ducks and manned by leaders who are more
interested in self-preservation and corruptions than working for the interests
of the community.
This perception and a window
of opportunity had driven the Chinese to consolidate their political power
under one umbrella, just as what the Malays were doing under UMNO.
Though, BN had lost almost
all Chinese supports it should stay benevolent and must maintain Chinese
representation in the administration and try repair the rift with the Chinese
Najib must not listen to the
ultras in his party that may want to make an example of BN without Chinese.
There are still pockets of
Chinese that still support BN. MCA was not completely trounced, they managed to
collect 7 MP seats.
Najib, must continue with
his transformation programmes and change the mindset of the leaders in UMNO
that things are not going to be the same anymore and that there will be no more
gravy trains for them to hop a ride on, adopt zero tolerance for corruptions
and restructure the economic pie that gives equitable opportunity to all
Malaysians, irrespective of their colour and creed.
Unless, he does it quickly,
within the limited time he has, BN or rather UMNO would become irrelevant and
would not be around after the 14th GE.
Anwar, should be a
gentleman, should accept the people's verdict and live to fight another day, or
keep the promise he made before the elections to withdraw from politics
Again, Sabah and Sarawak are
the kingmakers and Najib should not forget that they now hold the trump cards
and he better be kind to these two states or else find himself in a very
precarious position.
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