Tuesday 5 June 2012


Dear Editor,

MANY government servant and private sector worker on the island were victimized /cheated. For my case, I did borrowed money from the money lender @ YUWANG for many-many years which amount accumulate to RM31,000. Only then I realized that I need to approach them for discussion/arrangement on fixed payment monthly as I can’t afford the interest they charged monthly @ 12 % or more!

For example, if your payday on the 25th of the month, addition cash/loan taken on the 20th of the same month. They still charged interest with 12% on only 5 days, plus they deducted the interest immediately, say cash/loan taken RM100, you will receive only RM86 in hand minus 12% plus RM2 additional fixed charged every time you come look for them.

Frustrated with their rejection on my proposal, I make my mind and transfer my monthly payment to other bank which caused them to look for me few months later (with gangster) asking for my new ATM card which I refused. Failure causes 8-9 items taken away from my house, such as TV, Sound system, video/DVD player and other items. Payment of RM500 monthly via my wife account still deducted until now as I found something not going right! They also have blacklisted me via CTOS with unreasonable amount stated (RM200,000++) caused difficulty obtaining loan with local banks.

At this moment I’m producing evidence/proof and have make my mind to bring/sue YUWANG (Alex) to court as moneylenders breach the act.




  1. To stop these loan sharks from operating, never borrow money from them no matter how desperate. Borrow from trusted and certified money lenders, banks, micro finance etc.

  2. Once you borrow from a loan shark, its difficult to get off.

  3. pemimjam wang atau along kini terlalu byk, tapi sebaiknya jgn meminjam wang dari mereka, ia hnya akan menambah masalah.

  4. Jika kita lihat memang banyak tempat peminjaman yang berlesen dan tidak berlesen. Namun mereka ini tidak mengikut ketetapan syarat yang telah ditetapkan.

  5. kalau mahu selamat, buat la pinjaman dengan bank.. kalau bank tidak bagi, maknanya tidak layak la tu atau dalam kata lain tidak mampu menjelaskan pinjaman.. jadi kenapa masih mahu pinjam dengan ahlong yang bagi interest tinggi??

  6. khidmat rundingan dan kaunseling kami mungkin memberi anda jalan penyelesaian..... hubungi kami 0198030123 kami bukan Ahlong.... Kami anti Ahlong......
