Saturday 30 June 2012


WASTE.... Edward showing the quarry waste on the road shoulder.

A PUBLIC complaint was received by the Sabah DAP vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie over the query why large pieces of stone mixed with the quarry waste were placed on the road shoulders which are believed to be intended to be use in the upgrading and leveling of the road shoulders along the Tuaran road from Inanam to Menggatal.

The people said this quarry waste containing large pieces of stone is not suitable for the repairing of the road shoulders because of it size and eventually will cause damages to vehicles. They said why use the quarry waste instead of crusher-run which is of uniform sizes not more that 2 inches. The common standard of repairing road shoulders are using crusher-run only to be compacted to a smooth leveled surface for the car to run on. In this case of using the big stone, we wonder how can this be compacted and leveled to a flat surface.

According to the quarry stone supplier, the quarry waste which is found along the road side is only cost RM 11 per ton and the crusher-run costs RM 28 per ton. Is it the reason that the contractor is using the cheaper material to carry out this work? The other way of looking at it, is the JKR allowing the contractor to use the unsuitable and cheaper material to do this work? Or the JKR is using a new method to do our road shoulder, new adopted specification?

Edward said this is definitely something not right, and he hopes JKR might be able to give a better explanation to this type of material being used on the road shoulder.

The whole Tuaran road needed cleaning and proper maintenance to the drains, grass and the road lighting, along with the road signs. Many U-turns are not properly fitted with appropriate road sign and it is dangerous to road users.


  1. mmg bahaya, seharusnya batu2 tersebut diletakkan di tempat lain, bukan di bahu jalan.

    1. Harus dialihkan sebab ia membahayakan khas pengguna jalan raya.

  2. kalau sudah tidak digunakan, patut dialihkan dengan segera. kemalangan boleh berlaku bila2 masa. jadi sebelum kena, bertindak segera.

    1. Harap pihak yang bertanggungjawab segera mengalihkan batu2 itu sebelum ada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku.

    2. Pihak JKR perlu bertanggungjawab dengan semua tu

  3. There is no proof yet that the quarry waste will be used to repair the roads, DAP better find out before making speculations.

  4. We should wait for explanation from JKR before making any accusations.

  5. Belum confirm pun batu2 akan digunakan untuk apa, sudah mahu kecoh. DAP habis modal nak berpolitik?

    1. DAP apa2 pun sekarang semua durang mau kasih jadi isu.

  6. Let confirm what purpose for those rock. Anyway, thats not a right location to place.

  7. JKR perlu segerakan selesaikan masalah jalan raya di sana.

  8. Mungkin batu-batu itu sedang dirancang untuk dipindahkan nanti. Namun tunggu masa saja lain untuk melaksanakannya.

  9. laporan DAP ni kadang2 bukannya betul.. dia cakap aduan orang awam, padahal aduan dari mereka sendiri..

  10. kalau betul pun batu2 itu digunakan untuk membina bahu jalan, apa masalahnya? batu2 itu boleh dipecahkan atau diratakan menggunakan jentera khas..
