Friday 29 June 2012


KENINGAU: State Reform Party (Star) Chairman for Sabah, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, said all Sabah politicians are 'frogs' and not just him, if party-hopping is what the term means.

"We are all frogs but I have been changing parties in order to look for solutions for Sabah and not for my own interest," he claimed, at the Star Bingkor launch, recently.

He said almost all Sabah politicians had one way or another changed political parties in their career and claimed that this included Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and his brother Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

He noted that Musa left Usno for Umno while Pairin left Berjaya and Pasok to start Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

Generally, he said if the politicians stopped hopping, it is because they got positions and comforts for themselves, some even sacrificing their struggle for the rakyat.

He said these selfish leaders would stick with the current ruling Umno as long as the party is in government or as long as they have their own position, but they would jump to other parties if Umno is no longer ruling.

"They are actually 'fat frogs' now, so they don't jump anymore..." he said explaining his party-hopping, which he claimed had been used to discredit him for a long time.

He also defended his party-jumping as merely seeking ways to resolve perennial problems in Sabah which he claimed the ruling leaders failed to resolve.

Jeffrey also accused Sabah BN component parties of being traitors to Sabahans and puppets of peninsula-based Umno and that they have no choice but to sing Umno songs, likening them to "buffaloes led by their nose."

"We in Star have our 'perjuangan' (struggle), but they have lost theirs.

They have forgotten because they are full now, because they are intoxicated by projects..." he said, and cited Pairin as being one of them.

Chiding those who ridiculed his move from party to party, Jeffrey said none of the parties he joined would carry his struggle to regain the independence of Sabah.

"Sabah is an independent country by itself. Whoever subscribes to a vision of an independent Sabah should join us in Star now," he said.

He also cautioned Sabahans of getting "out of the frying pan into a fire" explaining that those who are joining another peninsula-based party like PKR would only weaken Sabah but strengthen Malaya's hegemony over Sabah, and things might just repeat for the people here once more.

"But don't be disheartened as the coming election is another opportunity God gave us to change the situation. As long as we are alive, we still have hope, and it is this hope that made the people support Star," he said.

He also claimed that in a mere six months of its existence in Sabah, Star has garnered 175,000 members.

Jeffrey also announced that if Star formed the next state government, it would double the monthly welfare aid to all qualified senior citizens from RM300 to RM600.

He also announced that RM500 would be allocated as savings account for each Sabahan baby born so that the child would have sufficient savings when he or she turns 18.

At the function, a group of children carried a symbolic plaque of Star's seven-point Borneo Agenda and presented it to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey was also proclaimed by the organiser as the "Father of (the) Struggle to Reclaim Sabah Rights".


  1. JK sedang mencari parti yang perfect tapi realitinya memang tiada parti yang perfect.

    1. betul tue. there is no such thing as a perfect party. Maybe Jeff should form his own party.

    2. memang tiada yang sempurna...

  2. Tapi persoalannya, siapa pemimpin yang benar2 berjuang untuk rakyat dan bukan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri??

    1. All these that needed the intelligent people to value and decide themself.

    2. macam tiada...semua ahli politik sama saja..

  3. Jeffrey mmg raja katak, jadi tak perlu nak libatkan orang lain.

  4. mereka yag pemimpin USNO dan berpindah kepada UMNO bukan lompat parti. kerana USNO dibubarkan untuk memberi peluang kepada UMNO.

    1. jeff should put that in mind.

    2. Right, USNO give way to UMNO to be formed in Sabah, the leaders did not jump ship. Unlike Jeffrey who jump from one party to another when his self interests cannot be fulfilled.

  5. wadui this is the lamest excuse to defend himself ever.

  6. At least Musa and Pairin has achieve a lot in helping the people. What Jeff has done so far????

    1. its impossible for Jeff to actually help the people first hand if he couldn't stay in one party for long.

  7. Jeffrey is the biggest frog in Sabah, he jumped ship more times than we can count.

  8. Budaya lompat parti satu kebiasaan sebenarnya.

    1. sudah jadi budaya bagi sesetengah ahli politik..antaranya ialah JK..

  9. Sejauh mana parti STAR boleh mencapai kedudukan di Sabah?

    1. Ini juga bergantung sama ada rakyat beri peluang ke tidak.

  10. Not sure Agenda STAR really meant for the people.

  11. Perjuangan autonomy harus diperjuangkan.

  12. PRU semakin dekat, masing-masing "attack" antara satu sama lain.

  13. Jika tidak membuat perubahan kini, maka beginilah keadaan Sabah di masa akan datang.

  14. Bukan mudah untuk parti baru diterima oleh golongan ramai.

    1. ditambahkan lagi sejarah background JK yang 6 kali lompat pagar, Star meragukan.

  15. BN contribute great development for Sabah, what about STAR?

    1. STAR tiada apa2 sumbangan pun..

    2. Star masih baru lagi di Sabah, tiada apa sumbangan kepada Sabah

  16. But no one can challenge Jeffery Kitingan as a Party King of Frog.

  17. Kita tunggu saja setakat mana nanti STAR ini bertahan dibawah kuasa JK. Kerana kita tahu JK tidak tahan dengan parti yang tidak sehaluan dengan beliau. Jadi adakah STAR akan menjadi mangsa persinggahan JK juga nanti?

  18. a lot of the politicians will say the same thing but most of all it just a mimic to confuse the rakyat's mindset

  19. sad to say but it's true that when the politicians stopped hopping, it is because they got positions and comforts for themselves, some even sacrificing their struggle for the rakyat.

  20. apapun, biarlah rakyat sendiri yang menentukan nasib para pemimpin ini dalam PRU13 nanti

  21. true, almost all Sabah politicians had one way or another changed political parties in their career

  22. semua rakyat yang layak, undilah dengan bijak bila tiba musim PRU

  23. not all.. only you jeffrey..

  24. Jeffrey telah berpindah parti banyak kali bermula dari PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.. kini beliau tubuhkan STAR.. malah punca beliau berpindah parti adalah kerana tidak diberikan jawatan dalam parti.

  25. dari PBS ke PBRS.. bila dia gagal mendapatkan jawatan presiden, dia keluar menyertai AKAR. akibat tidak diberikan jawatan presiden dalam AKAR, sekali lagi dia keluar menyertai PBS. ketika dalam PBS, Jeffrey berkeinginan untuk memegang jawatan timbalan presiden, namun gagal. akhirnya beliau keluar lagi dan cuma memasuki pari umno tapi permohonannya ditolak. Jeffrey akhirnya menyertai PKR, tapi seperti biasa, selepas dia gagal dilantik ke jawatan pengerusi PKR negeri, sekali lagi dia keluar..

  26. akhirnya Jeffrey terpaksa menumpang parti STAR dari Sarawak sekaligus membolehkan beliau memegang jawatan pengerusi STAR Sabah. belumpun sampai setahun STAR bertapak di Sabah, beliau sudah berani mengarahkan parti malaya balik ke malaya semata2 untuk memberikan beliau laluan meletakkan calon di semua kerusi di negeri ini..

  27. berdasarkan perjalanan politik JK ini, nilailah sendiri siapa yang selayak2nya digelar katak.. daripada membantu parti Sarawak untuk melebarkan sayap di negeri ini, kenapa JK tidak bergabung saja dengan SAPP?? kenapa perlu beliau umumkan akan bertanding di semua kerusi??
