Thursday 14 June 2012


THE RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) will probe into the various issues arising in Sabah  only. This is concerning the immigrants  irrespective whether they are illegals or not, and also its function shall include the implication and impact on our electoral system caused by them.

This was announced by the Minister to the Prime Minister Department Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri B Abdul Aziz in Parliament. At the moment, the department is still working on the 'term of reference' to put the RCI to function. He said this shall be focusing on Sabah only and the other states are not included in this RCI exercise.

Judging on this, many people said that the BN government is totally not sincere in dealing with the matter. There are many more such illegal immigrants in other states in Malaysia, particularly in Selangor. why they did not  want to carry it out in Selangor?

Is it so difficult to draw up the term of reference for the RCI? Are they delaying to let the commission to get down to start work in Sabah? Why the members of the committee until today are not identified, appointed and made known?

From these, we can easily tell that the BN government is not having the full intention to get the RCI to be enforced but merely applying a delay tactic, may be they will only implement it after the general election.

On the impact of these dubious illegals on our election system, it is quite alarming, and there are plenty of examples to confirm that these people did became voters and voted. The famous Likas election court case also showed evidence that dubious voters did voted.

It will be general election soon, it looks as if the BN is counting on not to get on with the RCI  now , and because these votes are more important to them to secure a win. The people had voiced out that the RCI should be immediately put to work without further delay and no more excuses, and this should cover the whole country.

The KKMP Hiew King Cheu said the people will have to put their votes together, not to split their votes, then we can counter these dubious voters and we can defeat the BN. It is PR Vs BN!


  1. terma dan rujukan RCI harus diperhalusi dan diteliti dgn baik, tapi harp ia tidak mengembil masa terlalu lama untuk ditetapkan.

    1. Sebaiknya sebelum PRU tiba, RCI sudah selesai dengan urusan terma dan rujukan tu. sebelum pelaksanaan, ahli2 panel pun perlu dipilih.

    2. Harap akan mendapat penyelesaian yang terbaik.

    3. The TOR should promptly finalise.

    4. Semoga RCI dapat ditubuhkan dalammasa yang tersingkat.

  2. selagi RCI belum ditubuhkan, selagi itu isu ini akan terus dipolitikkan oleh pembangkang.

    1. Lepas ditubuhkan, pembangkang akan timbulkan isu lain pula. Lebih baik jika mereka bekerjasama untuk selesaikan masalah.

    2. Pembangkang akan sentiasa menbuat isu untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan.

    3. Pembangkang harus menyokong kerajaan, bukanny mengkritikkan semua hal lerja kerajaan.

  3. True, our electoral system will be affected indirectly by the RCI since it will be resolving the Project IC problems which will clean up the electoral lists.

  4. Therefore we must ensure that the RCI is set up before the next general election is hold so that the voter registration list can be cleaned up.

  5. I hope with the implementation of RCI in sabah, the illegal immigrants issue in sabah will finally be resolved.

  6. Sebelum GE, mestilah menyelesaikan isu PTI dulu.

  7. Selagi masalah PATI tidka dapat diselesaikan, PRU tidak mungkin bersih dan adil.

  8. RCI mengambil masa terlampau panjang sedangkan ada juga golongan menggunakan mykad untuk menjalankan aktiviti haram sehingga mamasuki bidang pendidikan.

  9. Banyak lagi perlu diusahakan terutama masalah internal seperti pemilihan panel?

  10. Kenapa ada juga pihak sanggup membuat apa jua untuk mengukuhkan kuasa dan kedudukan? Ini merupakan pengkhianat kepada negara kami.

  11. PATI akan membawa lebih banyak masalah berbanding pembangunan. Isu ini tidak harus berpanjangan.

  12. Najib harus merumuskan pertubuhan RCI secepat mungkin.

  13. Harapkan pihak berkuasa dapat memantau aktiviti yang PATI jalankan, elekkan aktiviti yang haram.

  14. Selagi RCI tidak dilaksanakan selagi itulah masalah IC Palsu ini akan berterusan tanpa ada siasatan.

  15. All problems regarding the illegal immigrants must be eradicated or at least be reduced.

  16. harap masalah pati akan berjaya diselesaikan dengan penubuhan RCI nanti.

  17. mereka yang melindungi pati juga harus dikenakan hukuman yang tegas.

    1. setuju, siapa yang melindungi pati harus dikenakan hukuman tegas.

  18. RCI memang penting untuk selesaikan isu pati dan semua isu yang berkaitan.

  19. masa RCI tidak diumumkan, ramai pihak yang bising kononnya kerajaan enggan menubuhkan RCI.. lepas diumumkan, masih juga bising kononnya kerajaan sengaja melewat2kan penubuhan RCI dan tidak kurang juga yang mempersoalkan kenapa negeri2 lain tidak ada RCI.. agaknya memang begitulah pemimpin hipokrit seperti pembangkang Malaysia..

  20. macam mana sekalipun pandangan pihak2 terdesak berkenaan dengan RCI, bagi saya Sabah tetap wajib diberikan keutamaan.. Sabah lebih dulu menuntut penubuhan suruhanjaya ini.. bukan negeri2 lain.

  21. berkenaan dengan kelewatan penubuhan suruhanjaya ini, dimana letaknya kelewatan itu jika PM Najib baru 4 tahun memerintah negara ini? kenapa tidak tanya soalan itu kepada Tun M yang telah berpuluh tahun memerintah negara malah dipercayai dalang sebenar kemasukan pendatang asing di Sabah??
