Tuesday 12 June 2012


THE HAWKERS stalls newly built in front of the Kg Likas shop not far from the Dewan Serbaguna Likas are ready but still not operational. The hawkers wish to move back to do business in the new shed. The place was used by them during the past and now they have been moved to the Dewan car park to carry on with their business. The place in front of the Dewan is very congested and difficult to find car parking space.

The Sabah DAP Vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie was being told by the people here during his walkabout, that they wish to have the help from the DAP to highlight the issue and bring to the attention of relevant authorities concerning the hawkers market here in Kg Likas.

The new hawker stall here is completed and ready to be used, but there is no news as when this can be opened for the hawkers to move back to do their business. This original location here is good and suitable for the customers and the local villagers staying around here. 

Edward said he would the hawker stalls to go back on full operation soonest possible for the sack of the people here. There are many people staying in the Kg Likas and the near by villages. He further urges the authorities or DBKK to come to provide better parking space for the shoppers who usually park their cars on the road. There is need for some community rubbish bins to be located here for the collection of refuse and garbage.

Since the front of the Dewan is taken up by the hawkers, the people who use the Dewan were deprived of the use of the car parking space for the activities. DBKK must make an effort to ensure that the hawkers are being move back to the original place in front of the shops.


  1. ia perlu beroperasi.. jgn biarkan ia kosong saja.. merugikan.

  2. Gerai ni tidak dibuka atau penjaja tidak mahu pindah di tempat baru ni?

    1. Tempat yang disediakan lebih selamat dan lebih bagus dari dulu.

  3. such a waste if the stall are not being utilized.

  4. Kenapa ini terjadi? Bajir sahaja jika tiada orang operasikannya.

  5. Mungkin ada kelemahan kedai baru tersebut?

  6. Harapkan stor ini akan berfungsi tidak lama lagi. Jika tidak, satu pembaziran sahaja.

  7. Lokasi hawker ini amat strategik, harus dipindah secepat mungkin.

  8. Harap-harap hawker ini dapat beroperasi seperti biasa dan pastikan car park juga memuaskan.

  9. Merugikan jika tapak itu dibiarkan begitu sahaja.

  10. Mungkin tapak baru ini ada kelemahan untuk berniaga?

  11. Another effort from the government.

  12. Penjaja sudah biasa dengan kawasan lama, nak pindah, memang menyusahkan.

  13. Harap masalah ini dapat diselesaikan agar tidak membazir tapak baru yang disediakan.

  14. Kita tunggu saja apa yang akan dimaklumkan oleh DBKK mengenai perkara ini.

  15. mungkin ianya tidak dibuka atau peniaga tidak mahu berniaga di Sana..lebih baik jika Edward pigi tanya ke pihak yang berkaitan.

    1. Perkara seperti ini perlu maklum balas dari DBKK, tempat yang lama membahayakan pengguna jalan raya yang lain.

  16. sebaiknya penjelasan diberikan berkaitan dengan pekara ini.

  17. kalau saya tengok gambar di atas, macam si Edward datang mau beli ikan ba ni tapi sayang sekali gerai sudah tutup.. untuk cover malu terpaksa la dia ambil gambar kunun gerai itu tidak digunakan..

  18. cuba tengok itu parit dalam gambar diatas.. begitu ka keadaan parit untuk mana2 gerai yang tidak beroperasi?? nampak rupa dia macam baru lepas beroperasi saja tu..
