Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA), Datuk Fuad Hassan berkata statistik itu diperoleh berdasarkan kajian terkini yang dilakukan jabatan berkenaan bersama-sama Jabatan Penerangan di bawah Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan.
"Apa yang kita dapati, rakyat memahami dan menerima konsep ini berdasarkan program-program penerangan yang dijalankan serta merasai kesan 1Malaysia melalui pelbagai bantuan, produk dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan.
"Kita juga lihat rakyat sudah tidak segan untuk bercakap mengenai 1Malaysia malah sudah ada semangat kekitaan di kalangan mereka yang rasa mereka juga patut menerima kebaikan daripada gagasan tersebut," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ceramah pada Seminar Penyerlahan Gagasan 1Malaysia (Siri Kelima) 'Wacana Transformasi Minda' di Kuala Lumpur, kelmarin.
Seminar yang dihadiri 750 pengetua, guru besar dan guru-guru kanan sekolah dari Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya itu turut dihadiri Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Dr Amin Senin.
Fuad berkata baki 20 peratus rakyat yang tidak memahami konsep tersebut berpunca daripada program penerangan yang masih belum menyeluruh dan faktor politik di mana terdapat sesetengah pihak menggunakan elemen hasutan untuk mempengaruhi rakyat menolak Gagasan 1Malaysia. (Bernama)
moga konsep 1Malaysia akan diterapkan dalam masyarakat kita. konsep ini untuk menyatu padukan masyarakat kita.
ReplyDeleteBagus la tu. Tidak salah mengamalkan konsep 1M'sia
ReplyDeleteGagasan 1 Malaysia ini seharusnya dipertahankan dan didedahkan kepada rakyat. Ini bagi memastikan perpaduan di Negara kita ini akan terus berkekalan.
ReplyDeletetidak mustahil.. lihat saja kemenangan BN berturut dalam setiap pilihanraya kecil dan juga PRN Sarawak..
ReplyDeletepenerimaan rakyat terhadap konsep gagasan 1Malaysia menunjukkan penerimaan rakyat terhadap kepimpinan kerajaan yang mengetengahkan konsep itu.. sokongan terhadap 1Malaysia adalah sokongan kepada kerajaan..
ReplyDelete1Malaysia is not a new concept or formula. Rather, the ultimate goal of 1Malaysia, which is national unity, has been the main vision of our country’s leaders, and has been interpreted in various shapes and forms over the span of five decades of Independence.
ReplyDeleteIf we truly study it, what has changed is the approach and implementation according to the ever-changing times and generations.
ReplyDeleteThe approach is not independent of the Government’s policies thus far, instead it complements them to further reinforce our solidarity in order to guarantee stability towards achieving higher growth and development for Malaysia and her people.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, 1Malaysia is a concept to foster unity amongst the multi-ethnic rakyat of Malaysia, substantiated by key values that every Malaysian should observe.
ReplyDeleteThis means that 1Malaysia is a formula conceptualised as a precondition in ensuring the aspirations of the country to secure a developed status by 2020 are met, if it is inculcated in the minds of the Rakyat and practiced by the entire community.
ReplyDeleteIf the idea of “Bangsa Malaysia” which was engendered through Vision 2020 becomes the final destination, then 1Malaysia is the roadmap that guides us towards that destination.
ReplyDeleteThis definition is built upon the argument that in order achieve the status of a developed nation in the predetermined time frame, the key requisite is a strong and stable country, which can only be achieved when its people stand united.
ReplyDeleteUnity as envisioned through the 1Malaysia concept varies greatly from the assimilation concept practiced in other countries where the ethnic identities are wiped out and replaced with one homogeneous national identity.
ReplyDeleteIt is also clearly distinct from the opposition’s concept of Malaysian Malaysia. 1Malaysia does not deviate from the spirit of our Federal Constitution as the law of the state, written or implied. In fact, the 1Malaysia concept remains faithful to the core provisions within the Federal Constitution, such as Articles 3, 4, 152, and 153, as well as Parts 2 and 3.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, noone should fear or cast aspersions that the concept the concept will deviate from what has been agreed upon by our founding fathers.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand 1Malaysia values and respects the ethnic identities of each community in Malaysia, and proudly regards them as an asset or advantage.
ReplyDelete1Malaysia underlines the value of “Acceptance” amongst its multi-racial people, where one race embraces the uniqueness of other races so that we may live with mutual respect for each other as a nation. It is a distinct step above that of mere tolerance.
ReplyDeleteThe foundation for all this is the principle of justice for all, which means that the welfare of all Malaysians will be looked after, leaving noone behind.
ReplyDeleteSuch justice must take into account the varying levels of development of each ethnic community. Hence, government policies and provisions in the Constitution that protect the interests of disadvantaged groups will continue to be implemented.
ReplyDelete1Malaysia will continue the agenda of nation-building. To achieve growth for the nation, the Rakyat must be the first to be developed, which must begin by instilling a sense of acceptance amongst races, and therefore undivided solidarity. When solidarity is achieved, the task of nation-building can truly and smoothly be carried out.
ReplyDeleteThe 1Malaysia formula is conceptualised for implementation in two main aspects. The first is through the assimilation of the Principles of Unity, while the second aspect is the assimilation of Aspirational Values.
ReplyDeleteThe Principles of Unity are the three items I had earlier detailed; the first, “acceptance” amongst all races and peoples of Malaysia; the second, nationalistic principles built upon the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara; and thirdly, social justice. These Principles are supported by wholesome values that must be inculcated as part of Malaysian culture, including values such as mutual respect, Tawaddhu’, humility and astuteness in forming decisions and actions.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has expressed optimism that the 1Malaysia vision will further strengthen the people’s resolve to create a society that cares for all citizens.
ReplyDeleteHe said surveys showed that one of the key elements for socioeconomic progress of any nation was the ability of its people to live peacefully with one another.
DeleteMusa said the Federal government had introduced various programmes to improve the people’s standard of living and to lessen the burden faced by the lower-income group.
DeleteThese initiatives, he noted, included the Program Kebajikan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1M), Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (Sara) and Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M).
DeleteThe Sabah government is also very conscious of educational and religious development, including that of the Malaysian Chinese and constantly strive to do the best to meet the needs of the community.
DeleteAs testimony to the government's commitment, 2011 saw the allocating RM28 million for building of schools and places of worship.
DeleteMusa said this was a true reflection of a pro-people and welfare-oriented government and since 2004, almost RM150 million had been disbursed to independent Chinese and mission schools and non-Muslim religious organisations.
DeleteThe Chief Minister stated that the needs of the underprivileged and less fortunate were always given priority, including senior citizens, orphans, single mothers and the homeless.
DeleteAlthough we come from different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds, speak different languages and practise a variety of cultures, we yet share similar ideals and a common vision.
DeleteOur ability to live in harmony and to respect one another in a multiracial society is one of the most noticeable characteristics of Malaysia as a nation.