PENGERUSI Jawatankuasa Penyelaras Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (Kita) Parlimen Tenom, Sylvester Mutang Dawat, menyifatkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) di Sabah lemah tetapi cuba disembunyikan pucuk pimpinannya dari diketahui rakyat.
Beliau berkata, sesungguhnya kelemahan mereka sudah disedari rakyat sebelum ini tetapi para pemimpinnya khususnya Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman cekap menyembunyikannya daripada dihidu rakyat.
Namun pada hakikatnya tegas Mutang, rakyat tiada pilihan lain selain mengajak rakyat untuk menukarkan kerajaan yang sedia ada pada pilihanraya umum kali ke-13 kepada suatu kerajaan yang mesra rakyat dan benar-benar prihatin kepada masalah rakyat seperti yang diperjuangkan oleh Parti Kita.
“Fakta ini dapat dibuktikan di mana beberapa wakil rakyatnya seperti Adun Kemabong, Adun Pantai Manis dan MP Papar tanpa segan silu merungkai kepincangan pembangunan di kawasan masing-masing sejak kebelakangan ini,” kata Mutang selepas mesyuarat Penyelaras Parlimen Parti Kita di kediaman beliau di Kg Baru Jumpa, pada khamis.
Tegasnya, beliau menyokong kenyataan Adun Kemabong Datuk Rubin Balang baru- baru ini bahawa berbagai usaha telah dilakukan Rubin sebelum ini supaya kerajaan bertindak serius menangani masalah kedaifan jalanraya, tetapi sebaliknya kerajaan tidak berbuat apa-apa.
Tambahnya, berdasarkan usaha Rubin itu yang tidak mendapat sokongan atasan boleh disifatkan bahawa kerajaan BN telah gagal memenuhi aspirasi rakyat yang terkandung dalam slogan mereka, “Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan”.
Selain itu, Mutang turut mempersoalkan kelembapan penyiapan projek menaiktaraf landasan keretapi antara Tenom ke Tanjung Aru sepertimana yang dibangkitkan oleh Adun Pantai Manis, Datuk Rahim Ismail semasa persidangan DUN Sabah baru-baru ini.
Projek tersebut yang memakan perbelanjaan sejumlah RM400 juta dalam dua fasa yang dikendalikan dua syarikat iaitu Suria Capital Sdn Bhd bagi fasa pertama; manakala Syarikat yang berpengkalan di Semenanjung, Hikmat Sdn Bhd bagi fasa kedua untuk landasan dari Beaufort ke Tenom; sepatutnya perlu disiapkan dalam tempoh 30 bulan, tetapi sehingga hampir lima tahun kerja-kerja tersebut belum siap.
Dalam pada itu, Mutang sependapat dengan Adun Pantai Manis Datuk Rahim Ismail bahawa tidak ada gunanya kerajaan membina sebuah Pusat Pentadbiran yang baru berharga RM300 juta sedangkan rakyat terus hidup dalam penuh penderitaan.
“Sepertimana yang berlaku dengan keluarga Andreas Pikan di Kg Pangi yang terpaksa membawa anaknya yang sakit kronik (asthma) ke hospital Tenom menggunakan troli buatan sendiri sekitar Febuari 2012 kerana ketiadaan Klinik Kesihatan di Pangi. Anehnya rakyat asing pula berhutang sebanyak RM21 juta dengan Hospital Kerajaan, seperti yang didedahkan Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan baru-baru ini,” kata Mutang.
Mutang berkata, kerajaan perlu berhati-hati ketika membelanjakan wang rakyat daripada tabung dana kerajaan kerana jika tersasar daripada matlamatnya, sudah pasti ada kelompok rakyat di sesuatu kawasan akan tercicir daripada mendapat agehan pembangunan, terutama sekali di kawasan yang mendesak khususnya di kawasan luar bandar.
Kekurangan peruntukan menyebabkan banyak projek yang tergendala.
ReplyDeleteThat is why a proper planning on the allocation must be implement to avoid this to happen.
DeletePerancangan, peruntukan dan pelaksanaan & pemantauan harus dibuat dan diuruskan dengan baik untuk mengelakkan pembaziran dan kegagalan projek tersebut.
DeletePembangunan di bandar dan luar bandar perlu seimbang. Setiap projek yang dilakukan sebaiknya disiapkan dalam jangka masa yang ditetapkan untuk elak over budget.
ReplyDeletekeseimbangan ekonomi harus dijamin dan diusahakan agar golongan luar bandar dapat menikmati perubahan taraf hidup.
DeleteMaka itu setiap projek yang dilaksanakan perlu dipantau dari masa ke semasa bagi mengelakkan perkara2 yang tidak diingini.
DeleteThe rural area must be prioritize for now. The people who are residing in the rural areas deserve to enjoy the facilities that the city people is having.
ReplyDeleteunity and teamwork will ensure a great win for BN so it could remain as the ruling party.
DeletePekembangan projek harus dipantau untuk memastikan projek itu berjaya dan disiapkan dalam tempoh.
ReplyDeletePengurusan wang untuk projek dan kempen pembangunan harus diuruskan dengan baik untuk pentadbiran yang licin dan sempurna.
ReplyDeleteBN harus teriam kritikan dan membaiki kelemahan masing-masing.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan BN adalah perjuangan individu. kerjasama semua ahli perlu untuk memenangi PRU13.
ReplyDeletesegala kelemahan yang ada pada BN haruslah diperbaiki. tingkatkan prestasi.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan perlulah bijak menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dalam pentadbiran mereka.
ReplyDeleteSemua itu adalah dari seseorang ketua sendiri bagaimana dia mentadbirnya.
ReplyDeletemahu dapat populariti ka parti Kita ni?? maklumlah sebelum ni konon berniat mahu bertanding di Sabah..
ReplyDeletekalau betullah BN sembunyi kelemahan pentadbirannya, bagaimana pula Sylvester boleh tahu?? bukankah ini menunjukkan BN tidak pernah menyembunyikan kelemahan mereka??
ReplyDeleteSabah Barisan Nasional (BN) will adopt seven people-oriented principles to counter and ward off allegations as well as empty promises by the opposition. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman stressed that every member within the BN component; from the top leadership to the grassroot leaders must work very hard to explain to the people the various programmes that the government has implemented for them.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief minister retaliated that this is the primary reason that he always emphasise on the need to go down to the people and inform them of the BN government’s track record which has been proven to be the best with its caring and responsible leadership. In outlining the seven principles, he said the first shows the people that the BN leadership can be trusted to help them as proven by the fact that BN has brought tremendous development to the country, especially to Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, he stated, the BN government brings hope for the people now and in the future as its economic and development programmes are geared for the present and future generations. Musa, who is also the Chairman of the Sabah Foundation Board of Trustees, said the third principle guaranteed that BN would ensure and preserve the existing peace, harmony and unity of all races in the country.
ReplyDeleteThe fourth and fifth principles involve the Halatuju and efficient management of the nation and state’s economy in order to generate more income for the people. Sixth and seventh principles focus on the leaders’ work ethics as they need to make the people understand the government’s sincere intent to fulfil all their promises.
ReplyDeleteBN has been proven to be responsible and accountable unlike the opposition that is only out to mislead and hoodwink the people with empty promises. The leaders in BN have always been working and thinking what is best for the people in terms of development for Sabah, alleviating the hardships of the low-income groups and addressing issues that concern the people.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister stressed that less talk and efforts to work harder to convince the people of our pure intent to bring Malaysia, in particular Sabah to greater heights and demostrated tahat only BN can deliver these results. “As Chief Minister of Sabah, I can tell you that Sabah, as the second biggest state, needs a very big allocation from the federal government to develop the state and the allocation in billions of ringgit have been given to us,” he remarked.
ReplyDeleteHe cited the Mesej mini estate projects that were implemented in the rural impoverished areas and the development of the Kota Belud Rice Bowl which had utilised funds amounting to some RM136million to date as evidence. “This show that the government is very committed to bring changes to the socio-economic status of the rural people by providing job opportunities and increasing their income,” he stated.
ReplyDelete“We have to admit that although BN has done a lot for the people in the country and Sabah, that is not enough as we still need to continue planning and implementing many more holistic development programmes,” he added. “I am confident that with the federal government and people’s support, we will continue to bring changes and development, especially in rural impoverished areas,” he added.
ReplyDeleteMusa again reiterated his call for all community leaders and elected representatives to go down to the grassroots to explain the programmes and projects that the government had planned and implemented for their benefit.“We must always remember that the mandate given to us is not a privilege but a responsibility towards the people. If the leader is good the people will appreciate his services and when election comes, the people will not forget to vote for Barisan Nasional candidates,” said Musa.
ReplyDeleteLater during a press conference, Musa said that BN leaders are far different from the opposition who only know how to “offer lip service and make empty promises” to the people.
ReplyDeleteIn contrast, the BN continues to plan and implement more development agenda for the people.