Sunday, 1 April 2012


A SPLIT has emerged in a NGO that was accused recently of trying to undermine the community's support for Kadazan-Dusun Murut-based Barisan Nasional components.

This follows a parting of ways between its President Datuk John Ambrose and its erstwhile Sec-Gen Datuk Peter Anthony. One KDM Malaysia faction declared that Ambrose was unanimously asked to resign and his position taken over by Peter.

However, in the midst of the confusion, its Deputy President Datuk Rubin Balang urged its Supreme Council not proceed with the intention to remove Ambrose while its Penampang Division that was supposed to have engineered the move, expressed shock at being dragged into the picture.

"This doesn't mean I am not supporting Peter as President because he is also an important leader in KDM Malaysia all this while he also had been playing a part to make sure the organisation is properly administered as well as able to hold social activities.

"Only I am worried such power transition may invite disunity. Let the transition happen when there is tolerance from the leaders in the KDM themselves," Rubin said. Rubin said he was not aware about the decision taken at the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to remove Ambrose as he was not invited.

He said a split should not have happened because the aim of KDM Malaysia was to unite as many KDM leaders under one NGO.

"This is our aspiration, which actually should be our priority apart from taking into a higher pedestal the community's education, economy, culture among others," he said.

KDM Malaysia Vice President III, Kimjus Duim was reported as saying that the EGM on March 28 unanimously agreed to seek Ambrose replaced by Peter "so as to strengthen KDM Malaysia".

Ambrose has since formed another NGO called the Najib Loyalty Club to show appreciation for the Prime Minster. It is to carry out humanitarian work just like KDM M'sia.

BN KDM-based parties PBS, UPKO and PBRS have all accused KDM M'sia of influencing members of their parties with donations of rice bags, etc, with the aim of weakening them in favour of joining Umno. KDM M'sia has denied it.

Meanwhile, Penampang KDM Malaysia Secretary, Loris Ombou, said there was no meeting by the division to discuss any move to remove Ambrose, who is also Penampang Umno Chief.

"It is mischievous to drag our division into this 'mutiny' by a certain group," said Loris, adding he and other members were also unaware of any Extraordinary General Meeting on March 28 as claimed by KDM Malaysia Vice President III Datuk Kimjuis Duin.

Kimjuis had announced that the delegates at the EGM unanimously approved a proposal to appoint the association's Treasurer cum Director of Operations, Datuk Peter Anthony as its new President.

Kimjuis was reported as saying that this follows a Supreme Council meeting on March 9, which unanimously approved a proposal mooted by Penampang KDM Malaysia calling on Ambrose to resign.

Loris said Kimjuis owes KDM Malaysia members an explanation as to who from the Penampang division mooted the proposal.

"We also wanted to know where the meeting was conducted and attended by how many delegates and who chaired the EGM. And the important thing is how come we were not informed.

"There are many questions that he need to answer and I hope he will not run away from that responsibility," he said, Friday.

"Kimjuis should not make KDM Malaysia a laughing stock."

"The noble intention of the setting up of KDM Malaysia was to unite and assist the community and not for any individual. Any change of leadership should be done according to the rules and not law of the jungle," he said.

He said it was also surprising that even if Ambrose were removed according to the rules, it should have been KDM Malaysia Deputy President Datuk Rubin Balang who should be the Acting President until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) to elect the new office bearers.

"I do not think I have to teach Kimjuis what rules are meant for. Even if he doesn't know, KDM Malaysia Secretary General, Michael Ubu should know because he is a lawyer," he said.

Loris urged Ambrose to continue leading KDM Malaysia and not bow to any group.

"We do not have any issue with Ambrose leading KDM Malaysia and want him to continue leading us," he said.

Loris also said that it was also a joke that KDM Malaysia will hold its second AGM on March 31, as the organisation is barely a year old.

"I have never seen a NGO holding so many AGMs in a year and KDM Malaysia members who really love the organisation should boycott and have nothing to do with the AGM.

"I believe Ambrose will not abandon us but clean up KDM Malaysia and take it to greater heights to assist the KDM community," he said.

Under the KDM Malaysia constitution, the election of office bearers is held every two years.


  1. KDM adalah kaum majoriti di Sabah, perlu ada penyatuan antara mereka.

    1. Disebabkan politik, KDM perpecah. KDM harus bersatu untuk memelihara hak2 KDM.

  2. KDM Malaysia perlu bergerak aktif dan sebarang permasalahan dalaman mahupun luaran perlu diselesaikan dengan cara profesional.

    1. Bincang baik2 sehingga mendapat cara penyelesaian.

  3. tanpa politik, KDM boleh bersatu, tapi disebabkan politik KDM boleh berpecah.. tidak perlulah mana2 pihak cuba membangkitkan isu suku kaum di negeri ini.. jika mahu membela nasib mereka, tunjukkan saja melalui tindakan..
