Sunday, 1 April 2012


THE water treatment plant in Telibong in Tamparuli, near here, is the latest victim of electric cable theft-its operation was affected Thursday afternoon after thieves chopped off and stole the electric cable in the substation that supplied power to the plant.

Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd Managing Director Haji Abd Razak Sallim said the incident might have happened at 2.30pm and their investigation showed the electrical equipment inside the substation involved were badly damaged and needed immediate replacement.

The total loss is estimated to be nearly RM100,000, because it involved the substation specifically meant to supply power to the water treatment plant, he said, adding the damaged equipment was replaced the same day.

Abd Razak said SESB is intensifying its monitoring and patrolling at such installations.

Since September 2009, there were 41 cases recorded by SESB related to encroachment into substations, including electric cable thefts and diesel fuel smuggling.

He said there were 18 cases recorded during the SESB financial year 2009/2010, while for the financial year 2010/2011, 16 cases.

In between September last year and February last month, seven cases were recorded throughout Sabah and Labuan.


  1. SESB kena pantau kegiatan ini, kerana merekalah SESB byk mengalami kerugian

  2. Baru-baru ini, dua kakitangan Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd (SESB) Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan sendiri adalah antara enam lelaki yang ditahan polis kerana didapati mencuri kabel elektrik bawah tanah yang dilakukan di Jalan Ranca-Ranca.

  3. Kecurian inilah juga yang menyebabkan kerugian bagi SESB dan punca gangguan2 bekalan yang dihadapi oleh para penduduk.

  4. SESB harus lebih peka dan kreatif menangani masalah tu.

  5. Siapa juga yang kerja mencuri kabel ini. Semua ini berlaku disebabkan ingin terus hidup terpaksa melakukan perkara yang tidak sepatutnya.

  6. cuba tingkatkan kawalan keselamatan atau ciri2 keselamatan bagi mana2 komponen yang berpotensi untuk dicuri..
