EXPERTS have concluded that a New Zealand woman's eight to 10 litre a day Coca-Cola habit likely caused her to suddenly collapse and die. Natasha Harris, 30, was a stay-at-home mother of eight who was helping her children get ready for school when she collapsed slumped against a wall.
Her partner, Chris Hodgkinson, quickly called emergency services and tried to resuscitate her using mouth-to-mouth.
However, all efforts failed and she passed away in February 2010.
Medical reports state that she died of a heart attack. However, expert witnesses at an inquest testified that her 2-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit, combined with poor nutrition, likely lead to hypokalemia.
Hypokalemia, also known as low potassium levels, can include abnormal heart rhythms.
Pathologist Dr Dan Mornin added that the high levels of caffeine in Coke that built up to toxic levels in her body may have contributed to her death.
Hodgkinson testified that Harris would drink between 2.1 to 2.6 gallons of regular Coke every day.
She would drink a Coke when she woke up and would drink another just before she went to sleep. He admitted she was addicted to Coke.
Reports by the Daily Mail said she would go 'crazy' if she ran out of it, becoming moody, irritable and low. In a press statement, Coca-Cola said their products are safe.
"But grossly excessive ingestion of any food product, including water" could be harmful," the statement added.
"We believe that all foods and beverages can have a place in a balanced and sensible diet combined with an active lifestyle." (AP)
Addiction kills! Drink plenty of water everyday.
ReplyDeleteIni la bahayanya kalau telebih minum cola
ReplyDeleteCola ni mengandungi kafein. kalau minum berlebihan sama juga dengan mengambil dadah dalam dos yang berlebihan.mampu mengundang maut.
ReplyDeleteminum Cola tak begitu baik untuk kesihatan.
ReplyDeleteSebaiknya kurangkan meminum minuman yang bergas. Kerana ini dapat memberhayakan kesihatan.
ReplyDeleteada banyak maklumat tentang bahaya coke dalam internet..
ReplyDeletememandangkan sudah ada kes kematian akibat meminum coca-cola, wajarkah minuman ini diharamkan di seluruh dunia??