Thursday 14 June 2012


A THIRD SITE inspection was carried at the Tmn Jumbo, areas surrounding Servey Hypermarket and One Place Mall by Andrew Lee and other committee members of Sabah DAP Kapayan Barat branch.  It's not surprising that nothing had been done at this areas mentioned. Why is it so? Is Majlis Putatan Disfunctional?

At Taman Jumbo for example, many might label it as the dirtiest town.  The public have no choice but to continue with their respective daily routine.  Public is in hailing bad smell from uncollected rubbish and stagnant drains. The people all are paying assessment fees at least RM30.00 per month, and this what we get in return? A Disfunctional Local Council? The public does not deserve to be treated this way.

The council cannot ignore and just leave matters and problems unattended especially it's under its jurisdiction.  The people would like to know what are the councilors doing?   To our surprise, when we came across a councilor at Tmn Jumbo when ask regarding this matter and his response was 'Majlis Daerah Putatan tak ada duit'.  So what happen to all the tax payers’ money?

Problems faced in these areas.
1.         Stagnant drains
2.         Disfunctional sewage system
3.         Inconsistent collection of rubbish
4.         No collection of tree branch
5.         No replacement of address signboards
6.         Uncovered manholes
7.         Inconsistent schedule of grass cutting at playgrounds
8.         Damage playgrounds unattended
9.         Half build drains at certain areas
10.       Improper designated food stalls
11.       Over flowing of drains when it rains & course floods.

Sabah DAP asked for an explanation on why is the Putatan Council is not functioning and not responding to public's complaints. Sabah DAP urges the District Officer to 'Turun Padang' and get his organization in order, if not capable then please resign.  We are sure there are many capable qualified professionals out there to do the job.

Putatan Council needs to work out a proper planning at all sessions. If each councilors is given a task to manage certain sessions with proper guidelines and proper training, all the things sure can be work out.  It's also very important that the council builds a close relationship with the public and carry out activities such as 'Gotong Royong & Dialogues', Sabah DAP hope to see improvement in the near future. (DAP Media)


  1. MDP harus menjalankan tugas mereka dgn baik, byk masalah berkaitan kebersihan di Putatan.

  2. The Majlis Perbandaran Putatan must ensure that the area was always clean and maintained properly so that the local people will have a better place to live in.

  3. The Putatan Council needs to have a more efficient planning to manage all sessions with proper guidelines and training so that everything can be done successfully.

  4. Semua masalah di kawasan ni sudah dihighlight. harap2 tindakan segera dapat diambil oleh MDP. penduduk pun perlulah bekerjasama menjaga kebersihan serta kemudahan2 yang diberikan.

  5. DAP mula mencari pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi untuk diheboh-hebohkan sebagai isu politik mereka.

  6. The MDP needs to be more proactive.

  7. cara DAP buat aduan ni, macam mereka la kerajaan paling sempurna jika ditakdirkan mentadbir negeri ini.. saya yakin apabila mereka membentuk kerajaan nanti, masalah2 seperti ini tetap akan diabaikan..

  8. jika DAP benar2 perihatin terhadap masalah rakyat, kenapa tidak anjurkan saja gotong royong.. buat la aktiviti amal sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh parti2 lain.. setakat komplen macam ni, orang awam pun boleh buat..

  9. banyak2 parti di Sabah, DAP la paling banyak komplen tapi tidak pernah buat aktiviti kebajikan.. ada parti yang jarang buat komplen, tapi aktif buat kerja2 amal..
