MANHOLE….Edward showing the uncovered deep manhole
THE RESIDENTS in Taman Ganang Villa, Kapayan, requested the Sabah DAP Kapayan Branch Chairman Stephen Jimbangan to highlight to authorities concerning the poor state of the infrastructure facilities here in the housing estate.
The residents here felt that they have been totally neglected by the authorities and especially the Assemblyman and the Member of Parliament in the Penampang and Kapayan Constituencies. It is very difficult to even see them coming here to visit them, but they want their votes only, and no work done.
The roads here are filled with deep pot holes which usually covered with pools of water which posed danger to motorist and especially to the motor cycles. There were no maintenance on these roads for a long time and the people here do not know who to contact, and some say it is Penampang Council and may be DBKK.
There are some deep manholes without covers the posed danger to the resident here too. The covers were not there and never been installed. They wanted the authorities to immediately come to cover these up properly before someone or the kids fell in.
The Sabah DAP Vice Chairman Edward Ewol Mujie was on site to inspect the deep manholes without cover. He requested the responsible authorities should come here to immediately get these covered up and not to leave these open along the road side.
DEPRESSION…. Stephen and Edward showing the road depression with deep water.
Stephen said in Kapayan alone, there are many such bad roads and death traps, he wants the authorities to come to inspect the area regularly and get all these defects make good.
We cannot endanger the lives of the people here and he personally hope the government officers to be more hard working to put things right. He also wants the Councils to come to maintain the many children playgrounds especially the grass cutting was not done properly and regularly. The people here will have to cut the grass themselves.
Stephen said the people here are also rate payers, and they should deserve the equal service like many others are having.
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