AN AD HOC committee has been formed which operates under the name of ‘Demokrasi Sabah’ (DESAH) by some concerned citizens who serve in the committee on a voluntary basis to promote good democratic values such as representative government, clean, free and fair elections and the establishment of a 2-party system which is not based on racial and religious factors/grounds.
It is noted with deep concern that the numerous negative trends in elections especially multi-cornered contests have allowed candidates who are not supported by a majority of voters to be elected under the current First Past the Post system.
This tends to lead to the existence of a legislature consisting of members not truly representing the majority of voters thus impairing the check and balance mechanism. It is expected that this committee will function from now and end soon after the date of the 13th general elections. It is non-partisan and non-profit oriented.
Objectives of Desah;
-To promote and encourage a 1 to 1 contest in the coming 13th general elections.
-To create awareness of the rights of voters.
-To promote and encourage a level playing field in the elections through professional and effective campaign strategies.
-To secure 1 to 1 contest in at least 1/3 of the total parliamentary constituencies (25).
-To organize and conduct professional campaign training courses for political parties which participate in the 1 to 1 contest.
-To conduct and organize mock/trial elections in selected constituencies among contending candidates to gauge their respective popularity. This exercise can assist to deter fraud (how?) and promote clean, free and fair elections that protect voters’ rights.
-To lobby and encourage political parties to participate in the mock/trial elections to enable them to select a winnable candidate for the 13th general elections.
-To organize debates among and between candidates to enable voters to gauge their ability, capacity and leadership quality etc.
-To conduct and organize polls especially in disputed constituencies.
-To conduct and organize efficient and effective dissemination of information through web site, social media, forum, print and electronic media etc.
Operational Structure:
The committee will comprise of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members.
If and when necessary working sub-committees will be established to perform specific functions.
Membership of DESAH will be opened to all Malaysians and civil society organizations which subscribe to the objectives of DESAH.
It is hoped that DESAH will be financially supported by members, endorsers, members of the public and political parties which participate in its program such as debates, training courses for campaigners and party workers etc.
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