Saturday, 23 June 2012


THE RECENT information indicated that the fishery complex next to the Kota Kinabalu Central Market belonging to the Sabah Fish Marketing Sdn Bhd (SAFMA) which is a subsidiary of the Sabah Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry is now going to be rented out.

A local company allegedly was given the consent ('DILULUSKAN') to take over the whole complex under an operational and management package rental agreement with the SAFMA.

The whole rental package deal includes the taking over of the offices, the jetty and fish auction bay, fish monger tables, the car parks, fish processing chill room, ice production equipment and the canteen. The proposed period on this rental agreement is proposed for 5 years.

The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu was informed of this proposed rental arrangement by the people who wee not too happy about this arrangement and they expressed their dismay to MP Hiew.
They said the renting of this fish complex by the government is inappropriate, and the users will be the end losers of the exercise by paying very high usage payment to the person who is given control of the complex.

This is not reasonable because who ever gets hold of the complex will surely ensure a maximum profit and a good return on what ever he has to pay to SAFMA. The fish mongers, the fishing boat owners, and the people who earn a living here will be the first victims of the proposed renting out of the complex to a private company.

The consumers of the fishery products will face a price increase resulting from the increase in cost and rental. Can the government guarantee that there will be no increase of price in the use of the place?

The SAFMA complex was originally built to provide facilities to the fishermen for their convenience in handling fish produce to feed the KK market and having the concept as a social obligation and duties towards the people by the government.

Very sadly, now the government is planning to rent it out to the people who submitted proposal and got the approval through 'DILULUSKAN'. This is totally contradicting to the original social concept of setting up the SAFMA on helping the fishermen and to improve the fishing industry. 


The KK SAFMA jetty is the only fish landing point in and around KK. The authorities should in fact consider allowing the fishing boats and trawlers to build their own jetty in a suitable location and away from the city centre.

The renting out of the complex should not be done quietly and it should be tendered out openly if the Ministry or the SAFMA wants to see transparency in the exercise. It is unhealthy to have “closed door deals”, and at least more public participation should be involved.

The people using the area should at least be given the first priority and first choice on the right to operate this complex, and also due to their close tie and understanding of the processes.

Therefore, the government and SAFMA are reminded to be very cautious in handling this exercise and be very careful because this is about the social obligation of this place where many people depending on this place to earn a living.

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