Monday 26 November 2012


PROUD.....Group photo of Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai, Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Resource Development and Information technology with the organizers of and its speakers.

By : TRYPHENA CHIN 2012 is a unique international platform for doing things together. It encompasses  four areas: Enterpreneurship, Technology, Finance and Opportunities and it connects four parties: the private sector, public sector, social communities and also the youths.

It is intended to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit around Asia and to help identify successful enterprisers  in various sectors. Apart from that, the expo helps the development of a "learning and sharing" culture that may also spawn a sense of social responsibility among the budding entrepreneurs.

The Expo has 4 concurrent events that take place in the month of October and November. These are the SEeD (Sabah Entrepreneur Day), the Cash Flow Tournament, the D.A.R.E Bizstart Sabah and the SEeD Summit. The SEeD (Sabah Entrepreneur Day) which was held on the 30th of October at Wisma Bandaraya, is a bi-monthly event which provides a platform to learn, share and to explore new business opportunities.

The Cash Flow Tournament gives 64 entrepreneurs a chance to master their interpersonal skills, cash flow management, strategic planning and a positive attitude. To be held at Wisma Bandaraya on the 24th of November, the tournament participants are going to challenge themselves to the World Famous Business Game Cashflow 101.

The D.A.R.E Bizstart Sabah (acronym for 'dare to start business in Sabah') is open to the public. It will be held at the 1 Borneo Grand Ballroom from the 27th to 28th November. This will be helpful to those who are thinking of starting or expanding business in this region. There will be 100 exhibition booths along with 30 workshops. Apart from that, there will also be more than 50 talks given by more than 60 invited speakers.

On the 29th of November, the SEeD Summit will be held at the 1 Borneo Grand Ballroom but the event will only admit  those who have tickets. As in the previous night there will be keynote speakers to share their ideas and experiences.

Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai, Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Resource Development and Information technology congratulated the organizers, SEA (Sabah West Coast Entrepreneur Network Association) , MAD inc and MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) for receiving an overwhelming participation on their first Expo.

"The KPSKTM believe that entrepreneurship in all areas should be encouraged and we would like provide the opportunity and possible platforms for any interested individual to have a chance to excel in this area especially those in Sabah," he said. (Insight Sabah)

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