Wednesday 17 April 2013



THE MINISTRY of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism or KPDNKK has extended  the Price Standardisation Program (PPH) to more areas in Sabah.

According to the Ministry’s Sabah Director Noor Alam Khan A. Wahid Khan, the federal government has allocated RM100 million this year, RM10 million more than last year’s allocaion of RM90 million, to include new rural areas in Kudat, Sandakan, Tawau, Keningau and Tambunan.

“This on-going program covers the rural and remote areas including the islands off Sabah,” said the Director to reporters after closing a Best Consumer Movement Awards Ceremony held at the Federal Government Administrative Complex earlier yesterday. Noor Alam added, “We want more residents living in the rural areas to enjoy the lower prices found in urban areas.”

He also told reporters 1,444 grocery stores in Sabah are currently involved in the program since its inception in 2009.

The price standardisation programme was introduced to absorb the higher transportation and handling costs of essential goods in the remote areas of Sabah.

The essential goods include sugar, general purpose flour, cooking oil, pertrol, diesel and liquefied natural gas. According to Noor Alam, items found in rural areas are priced 10 percent to 15 percent higher than in urban areas. The cost differential is absorbed by the government.

In response to a question posed by a reporter, Noor Ali said the monthly claims made by companies appointed to transport the goods are  closely examined by his department and action would be taken if any irregularities are detected. He said so far there have been no cases of fraudulent claims. (Insight Sabah)

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