Wednesday 17 April 2013


PENAMPANG: UPKO’s choice of Limus Jury for Kuala Penyu, and Kennedy Jie John for Bingkor, have expressed their gratitude to the party and Barisan Nasional (BN) leadership for trusting in them to represent the coalition in the 13th general election.

Limus from Kampung Malampai, accorded his thanks to UPKO president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok as well as BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for the opportunity to serve the people.

Speaking to reporters after Dompok announced UPKO’s list of candidates yesterday, Limus said that he will work towards ensuring that Kuala Penyu gets its fair share of development.

Limus, a contractor by profession, has a diploma in construction from UiTM and is married with five children, aged from 25 to four.

He joined UPKO in 2000 and was the division’s treasurer as well as the UPKO Youth’s treasurer. He, however, took a 10-year break from politics but still continued to support its activities.

For Kennedy, his focus will be to ensure that Bingkor’s needs for basic infrastructures such as roads and clean water supply are met. The professionally trained chef from Vancouver, Canada said that he started being involved in politics through UPKO in 2003.

Meanwhile, Datuk Philip Lasimbang, who was announced as Moyog’s candidate for UPKO said that he will be continuing the programs planned by his predecessor, Datuk Donald Mojuntin.

“Datuk Donald has lots of programs, some which we planned together and I am going ahead with it. I am going for what the government has been promising such as the physical development as well as social justice and human development.

“I was the Moyog assemblyman for two terms and it is also good to have a break. I have seen what the rakyat need since I am quite free to go around and talk to them. And what I will be fighting for is all in the 1Malaysia concept of the Prime Minister which is a concept of acceptance and inclusivity,” he said.

Lasimbang also admitted that there would be voices of dissent from UPKO members about the party’s decision to field him and said that his first priority before going down to campaign is to talk to them and to ask for forgiveness.

“I’m sure they are hurt especially Datuk Donald and his family. I know (because) I have also been in the same situation in the last election. I also want to also say ‘Thank You’ to Datuk Donald and his supporters,” Lasimbang stressed. (BP)

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