Friday, 18 January 2013


BIG...... The DAP leaders showing the big flag.

A STRONG supporter of the DAP today delivered a few hundreds large size DAP party flags to the Sabah DAP office. This is to help the DAP in the coming general election campaign and wishing the DAP the very best and good luck to win the election.

The big flags measuring 5 feet by 10 feet are looking very nice and attractive when it is hung up and flying high. The KK MP Hiew King Cheu appreciated very much and he thanked the sponsor for the kind gesture and strong support towards the work of the DAPs.

Hiew said these flags really come handy and in time for the coming general election campaign. The flags will surely help very much to attract support from the voters.

MP Hiew said he will distribute the flags to the whole of Sabah in the various constituencies. He hopes the flags will be put up and fly high during the election and these big flags will look good in the campaign.

Hiew further said that the DAP will need all the help it can get in the coming election, and DAP cannot fight the battle alone. All hands are required and together we can bring along a big change in the Sabah politic. The future well being of the people in Sabah can be positively improved and upgraded if the Sabahan are brave to change the government.

It is sad to learn what had been transpired during the witness presentation of facts and evidence during the RCI hearing involving so many “bad happenings” through the past decades. This is telling us the truth on what had happened to the tremendous population jump in Sabah.

This is also the solid proof that the BN government knew about all these “arrangements” all this while, and solely tailored to suit their needs, to secure power, to ensure permanent and continuous rule in Sabah and Malaysia.

With them doing all these, had they consider the immense implication and harm inflicted on the future wellbeing, suffering and losses, infringement of benefits and rights, and not to mention the sovereignty of the Sabahans.

Up to today, we can see that many adverse effects in our beloved state which is a direct result from the doing of the irresponsible “so-called leaders” who claimed to be the champion of the people, but now we know for sure who they really are. 

Should we vote them in or kick them out during the coming PRU13 election. It is your decision that will turn the situation round for a better Sabah and Malaysia. Save Sabah and Save Malaysia, INI KALI LAH!

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