Thursday 10 May 2012


A SITE INSPECTION has carried out by Sabah DAP Kepayan Barat Complaints Bureau Andrew Lee Chee Keong, at the Taman Shangri-la housing along Jln Kibabaig, Penampang after receiving complaint from the resident there. This housing project fails to meet certain basic criteria. 
House owners are furious, angry and fearful for their life, not knowing what will happen next. Several parts of the homes are sinking, walls cracking into half due to soil erosion.  At certain parts of the area at least sunk 2 1/2 feet deep. 

To his surprise, snakes and lizards are now breeding under these homes. One of the house owners claimed that he had use up at least RM8,000 to maintain and repair crack walls and to fill up the effected parts of the garden.

The house owner claims that the developer promisses and guarantees the house buyers that soil erosion activity will not take place and developer is using the best method of piling for the project. This was mention upon purchasing of these homes, claimed the house buyer.

Countless complaints forwarded to the developer since 2008 utill today, but nothing has been done to prevent the soil erosion. Developer has promise to look into the matter with their respective archetect on ways to prevent more soil erosion from happening. They had patched up cracks but it doesnt seem to hold for long. The cracks emerge again within months.  It is just a short-term sollution. House owners are getting fed-up and tired and all complaints are just going to deaf ears.

Andrew is wondering how can an experience developer and especially the appointed architect did not see this coming.  To his knowledge, the housing area used to be a swampy area, and it is necessary to take all safety and precautionary measures.  The house owners here claimed that they did not know that this was a swampy area.  The residents here are restless, and they are looking forward to a sollution with the developer hoping that they will act instantly in resolving this matter once and for all and not just short term. 

The DAP complaints bureau urges all relevant authorities such as the Developer, appointed archetect, Penampang Council and Housing Ministry to hold a meeting as soon as possible to resolve this matter.

At the same time, Andrew and the complaint bureau team were made to understand that the Penampang Council was not doing their job. Grass are not cut according to schedule and rubbish not collected for weeks and it stink the area. The road leading in to the housing area is in a bad condition. Unpatched potholes are getting bigger and bigger each day. The residents here deserve a better quality home, which was promise by the developer. (DAP Media) 


  1. Kawasan sana selalu berlaku banjir jika hujan kuat. Entah kenapa perumahan dibina di kawasan itu.

    1. masalah banjir tersebut kena diatasi. pemaju perlu bertangungjawab.

    2. Pembeli juga harus berhati-hati semasa membeli rumah, yang penting tiada banjir yang merugikan.

  2. Siapakah pihak pemaju tersebut? sepatutnya mereka kaji keadaan kawasan tersebut sebelum projek dijalankan. Jika pihak pemaju tidak mahu bertanggungjawab, bawa saja kes ini ke mahkamah.

  3. The developers needs to repair those defects before the banks can release the payment to them. The developers must be held responsible for this.

    1. Pembayaran cuma dibuat selepas kesemua masalah diselesaikan.

  4. Hopefully the housing bureau or SHAREDA can help look into this matter and contact the Shangri-La developers for explanation.

  5. The developer harus lah bertanggng jawab.

  6. Penampang after receiving complaint from the resident there. This housing project fails to meet certain basic criteria.

    Pihak bertnaggungjawab harus mendengar complaint dan mengambil langkah yang wajar.

  7. keadaan sekililing pembinaan harus dikaji sama ada bersesuaian untuk pembinaan.

  8. Semoga masalah ini dapat diselesaikan sebaiknya.

  9. Pemaju kawasan tu perlu bertanggungjawab dengan semua tu

  10. alangkah bagusnya jika penduduk di kawasan itu boleh memfailkan saman terhadap pihak pemaju.. hal ini berkaitan dengan keselamatan mereka, oleh itu wajarlah jika masalah mereka ini dapat dipanjangkan ke peringkat mahkamah..

  11. Pemaju tidak boleh dipersalahkan. Mereka tak pernah paksa pembeli membeli rumah tersebut, Pembeli dengan rela hati nembeli rumah tersebut tanpa usul periksa.
